The growth rate has continued to rise, and the foreign trade continues to show good toughness

Author:Report Time:2022.08.08

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 8th. The Economic Reference News published an article on August 8 "The growth rate continued to rise to foreign trade to continue to show good toughness." According to the article, on August 7, the General Administration of Customs released data showed that in the first seven months of this year, the total value of my country's import and export was 2.3.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.4%over the same period last year. Among them, the total value of imports and exports in July was 3.81 trillion yuan, a year -on -year growth rate of 16.6%.

The analysis believes that my country's import and exports hold the pressure, and the year -on -year growth rate has gone out of the continuous recovery curve, indicating that my country's foreign trade has strong strength and strong toughness. Looking forward to the second half of the year, with the significant effectiveness of more foreign trade policies, foreign trade is expected to continue to improve throughout the year, and moving towards the target of maintaining stability.


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Overall a good structural highlights frequently appear

Judging from the data of the month, the growth rate of import and export in July further increased, 16.5 percentage points higher than the low in April, driving foreign trade to continue to improve.

Zhao Ping, deputy dean of the Research Institute of the China Trade Council, told reporters from the Economic Reference News that in July, foreign trade continued its continuous rise since May, and the growth rate continued to accelerate, and the quality, efficiency, and vitality of foreign trade development continued to increase.

Zhao Ping also proposed that in the case of a large foreign trade import and export base last year, it was rare to maintain double -digit growth results in the first seven months of this year.

Zhou Mi, a researcher at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, also told reporters that the growth and export growth of the import and export of the first July accelerated, and the growth rate increased by a percentage point from the previous 6 months. "In the case of a large unstable global trade, this performance can be described as quite prominent, and it also fully illustrates that China's foreign trade has strong strength and sufficient toughness."

While the total amount continues to improve, the highlights of my country's foreign trade structure are frequent.

In terms of trade methods, in the first 7 months, the general trade import and export were 15.17 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.5%, accounting for 64.3%of the total foreign trade value, an increase of 2.3 percentage points from the same period last year.

From the perspective of trading partners, in the first seven months, imports and exports to major trading partners such as ASEAN, the European Union, the United States, and South Korea have maintained their growth. Among them, the exports of the above -mentioned market exports were 19.1%, 19.7%, 15.1%, and 17.9%. In the same period, my country ’s total imports and exports to countries along the“ Belt and Road ”were 7.55 trillion yuan, an increase of 19.8%.

In addition, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) is favorable to accelerate release. Li Kuiwen, director of the Department of Statistics and Analysis of the General Administration of Customs, said that in July, my country exported to RCEP trading partners 1.17 trillion yuan, an increase of 18.8%year -on -year, and the overall import and export increased by 5.6 percentage points. "RCEP officially implemented this year, further deepening the regional economic interconnection and trade investment cooperation, providing new momentum for regional economic recovery and development."

Zhao Ping further analyzed that my country's exports to major trading partners have been handled together, and the traditional market and emerging markets have maintained a good growth. At the same time, the foreign trade industry chain supply chain supply chain policy is effective. Steady growth. In her opinion, these all show that the ability to deal with uncertainty in my country's foreign trade development has continued to increase.

"Combination Boxing" has continuously enhanced endogenous motivation

The analysis believes that behind the good foreign trade data, it is inseparable from policy support and free trade agreements such as policy support and RCEP.

In the factory building of Foshan Nanhai Meitai Toys Co., Ltd., the production is hot. The staff is packaging and encapsulation of a batch of 276,300 Barbie doll plastic toys, and then they will be exported to Australia through sea transport. With the origin certificate issued by the customs, this batch of export toys is expected to reduce the import national tariffs of about 13,800 yuan.

"Origin certificate is very important for the company's toy export business, helping us enjoy tariff discounts and enhance the international competitiveness of export products," said Deng Jinzhang, director of the company's customs declaration business. He introduced that different free trade agreements have different tax cuts. Under the guidance of customs, companies can enjoy the agreement bonus in time, driving the company to further expand in the corresponding national market, especially during the summer vacation, orders have increased significantly.

According to customs statistics, in the first 7 months, private enterprises import and exported 11.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 15.3%, accounting for 50%of my country's total foreign trade value, an increase of 2.1 percentage points from the same period last year. Among them, exports were 8.01 trillion yuan, an increase of 20.9%, accounting for 59.9%of the total export value. At the same time, the number of foreign trade entities has increased further. During the period, 526,000 foreign trade enterprises with import and export performance in my country increased by 5.8%year -on -year.

"Despite the challenges in various aspects, the vitality of my country's foreign trade has continued to increase." Gao Lingyun, a researcher at the Institute of Economics and Political Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Economic Reference reporter.

Gao Lingyun believes that this is inseparable from positive and effective measures adopted by various departments, including increasing corporate financing, trustward support, promoting RCEP dividends, supporting enterprise technology innovation, and development of new formats and new models. While stabilizing the confidence of market entities, these policies effectively stimulate corporate vitality, promote the growth of the number of foreign trade enterprises, especially private enterprises, and further enhance the endogenous motivation of my country's foreign trade.

Policies are stable and quality -lifting through the year

Zhang Bin, deputy director of the Department of Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce, answered a question from the reporter of the Economic References at a recent special press conference that at present, the risk of world economic stagnation risk has risen significantly, and many major economies continue to raise interest rates. Essence At the same time, domestic and international logistics still need to further improve efficiency and unblock the industrial chain supply chain. Zhang Bin proposed that in the second half of the year, the Ministry of Commerce will highlight the three focus points of amplification, stabilization, and strong guarantee, actively promote exports, expand imports, and take multiple measures to stabilize foreign trade. Specifically, fully tap the potential of cross -border e -commerce, and further cultivate the comprehensive cross -border e -commerce comprehensive test area; make good use of the free trade agreement to guide enterprises to accurately develop the international market; strengthen the production and operation guarantee of foreign trade enterprises, timely and smooth logistics blockage Points; guide the orderly transfer to the central and western regions and northeast regions; stabilize small and medium -sized foreign trade enterprises to expect the cost of reducing costs from foreign trade enterprises.

Local is also actively acting, stabilizing foreign trade from the aspects of babbling for enterprises and pioneering markets. Among them, in terms of reducing corporate costs, recently, Zhejiang issued the "Top Ten Measures to Support Stable Foreign Trade and Stable Foreign capital", proposed to increase the rescue efforts of international sea transportation logistics, and directly put in the province's small and medium -sized foreign trade enterprises in the province to directly invest in less than 50,000 standard boxes. Affordable cabin; encourage localities to increase support measures such as real gold and silver such as short -term credit insurance premiums to 80%.

In promoting enterprises to better enjoy the RCEP dividend, Nanjing Customs has recently carried out research and analysis of leading enterprises such as textiles, chemicals, electronics, automobiles, and new energy industries. The person in charge of Nanjing Customs told reporters that next, the key points of accurate guidance of "one enterprise and one policy" will continue to help enterprises establish a comparison list of RCEP and other protocol tariffs and other agreement. Manufacturing "pioneering the RCEP market.

Zhao Ping pointed out that the current foreign trade policy is strong and strong. "Specific issues such as slowing external demand and obtaining orders facing foreign trade enterprises, some targeted and accurate help."

Looking forward to the future, Zhao Ping believes that with the favorable policies, companies' positive initiative in developing markets, developing new business formats, and research and development of new products will be further exerted. The annual foreign trade import and export will continue to improve and move towards the target of maintaining stability.

Reprinted: Xinhua News Agency

Edit: Fan Jing

Editor in charge: Fan Jiale

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