Municipal Modern Agricultural Demonstration Zone: Promoting a new model of composite planting Time:2022.06.17

On June 15th, at the Yellow River Delta Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Resources of the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Liu Zhen and workers were busy carrying out soybean corn -shaped composite planting operations. Along with the roar of the seeder, the corn and soybean seeds were broadcast on the land.

"Soybean varieties are selected from Qihuang 34, corn uses the new variety of Chinese Academy of Sciences 305, and some new varieties of experiments. A total of 500 acres are sown, which is expected to achieve 200 pounds of soybean -produced soybeans on the basis of ensuring corn harvest." Liu Zhen told reporters that after continuous improvement of the plot, the salt has been reduced to 3 ‰. "According to local agricultural machinery and soil conditions, we adopted a composite planting model of 4 lines of corn and 5 lines of soybeans to complete agricultural machinery sowing and fertilization. "

"By adjusting the row and strain of crops, the composite planting model can achieve an increase of 200 yuan per mu." Said Chen Ruiju, deputy head of the economic development section of the demonstration area. This year, the Municipal Modern Agricultural Demonstration Zone will focus on promoting large bean corn band -shaped composite planting models, relying on large grain farmers and custody service organizations, promoting an area of ​​1,200 acres, 5,000 acres of soybeans, and creating soybean corn band composite planting demonstration sites. In the future Promote successful experience to ensure that agricultural production is stable and increasing.

(Reporter Chen Tonglei Correspondent Pan Yu)

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