"Cultural and Art Chain" was released in Beijing

Author:China Youth Daily Client Time:2022.08.07

China Youth Daily Client News (China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter Jiang Xiao Bin) On August 5, a new cultural digital strategic infrastructure and cultural and art chain ecological construction conference was held in Beijing.

According to Yao Youchao, director of the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the center takes the implementation of art services, art popularization, and art application research. It is marked by the release of the "Cultural and Art Chain". The blockchain laboratory is officially launched.

Wang Zhong, director of digital art and blockchain laboratory, introduced that the "cultural and art chain" led by the laboratory will be the authoritative industry chain of cultural visual art -related application scenarios. Important underlying infrastructure with transactions. The laboratory will from digital infrastructure to digital application scenarios, focusing on visual art web3.0, and providing platform -based services for managers, developers, creators, and operators for digital culture and art. , Expand academic research and related product incubation.

Lin Mao, director of the Academic Committee of Digital Art and Blockchain Laboratory and Deputy Dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, said that the emergence of the Yuan universe and blockchain technology, digital art has become the focus of everyone's attention, and also brings possible opportunities. The room will become a leading banner in the industry.

Twenty "Cultural and Art Chain" main chain node units jointly participated in the "Cultural and Art Chain Launch Ceremony". The Arts Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will unite with the main chain node unit of the "Culture and Art Chain" to promote the "Digital Art Biennale". The Expo held at the same time will be an industrial comprehensive expo for the brand image and cooperation needs of the relevant enterprises of the Yuan universe.

The conference was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Art Development Center and Shanghai Zero Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

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