15 yuan per catty!Xinyu's "June Storm" increased by 30 % year -on -year.

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.17

Cao Lei, Chief Reporter of Polar News

Wuhan people's summer table is indispensable for crispy dishes. Sitting with many advantages in rivers and lakes, eating fresh crispy sweet lotus root in the summer is the refreshing enjoyment. Jimu journalists visited and found that after the solar terms of the lunar calendar, the first batch of new water in the province began to enter the terminal market. The price of up to 15 yuan per catty makes people a little "shook".

According to the agricultural department, the newly -exited new cricket is known as the "June violent", which means that the price is high and the price is high, and it will last a month. Compared with previous years, this year's new prices in the province have risen more than 30 % year -on -year.

So this bite is crispy, can you eat it?

The first new batch of new crickets entered the market for summer, the most timely order vegetables

On June 15, when Ms. Ding, Ms. Ding, Hunan Road, who lived in Hankou, bought vegetables at the fresh supermarket outside the community, could not help but choose two new new crickets just listed. When checking out, it was found that this dish was 22 yuan. Essence

"I saw the price card at the time, 15 yuan a pound, it really felt a bit expensive, but I still wanted to fry a plate of Ding to eat." When Ms. Ding feedback the price of the new cricket, the elderly at home prefer to eat tender tenderness.上, I just want to taste fresh every June, but I feel that this year's "early adopter" has become more expensive.

At noon on June 15th, Jimu Journalists came to Ms. Ding's fresh supermarket, and saw the new crickets and bands sold at the door. Just after 12 time, there was almost a few new crickets in the container. The shopping guide introduced that because the price of new crickets has a high purchase price, the daily purchase volume is controlled, but the actual shipping speed is much faster than expected: "It is controlled at 40 or fifty pounds per day, and basically it is sold at noon."

In the vegetable market in Houkou Houhu Avenue, Xinyu has two prices: 11 yuan and 15 yuan per catty. According to the vendor, the former's coriander will be thicker, which can be stir -fried or soup; the latter is more tender, the newly produced new lame, the taste is more crispy and the price is higher.

Jimu Journalists noticed that in the many vegetable markets visited, the price of 15 yuan per catty was almost the highest among all kinds of vegetables.

The climate is unstable and the price increases by 30 % year -on -year

On June 16th, Jimu Journalists learned from the agricultural department that the lotus root that is currently listed is the first batch of new water outlets this summer, with a small supply and a high price, which is habitually called "June violence".

Monitoring from the large market for agricultural and sideline products in Baishazhou showed that in the first week of June, the average wholesale price of lotus root rose from 3.43 yuan per catty to 6.8 yuan, an increase of 98.25%, almost over.

According to the market participant, the lotus root on the market now mainly comes from the fairy peach in the province. The new "June violent" has just been launched. The amount of goods is small, the quality is good, and the price is high. According to monitoring, the wholesale price of the newly listed on the new market this year is around 11.5 yuan to 12 yuan, while the newly -listed wholesale price of the newly -listed market in the same period last year was 9 yuan per catty, a significant increase of 30.55%year -on -year, exceeding 30%.

For the reasons for the rise in the new listing price this year, the wholesalers believe that the climate of the place of production is unstable. "The weather in the main production area of ​​Xinyu is cold and hot in the early stage of growth, and the temperature is also high and low. Such weather has a great adverse effect on the growth of the new ravioli."

In addition, people in the market added that there is also an important reason for the small price of new crickets listed on the market now. The old lotus of the storage pond has been fully delisted, and only new lotus root supplies in the market have further raised the market’s market. price.

The price reduction of Xinyu must stay in the Summer Lotus Pond to gather together

People in Wuhan like to eat tenderness. When can I spend less money to eat?

According to Peng Jun from Wuhan Agricultural Education Center expert, Xinyu is a characteristic seasonal dish for the early summer season of Wuhan. The listing period is relatively short. According to different planting methods, it is divided into Tianyu and lake. Among them, Tian Yan's output is relatively small, so growers often harvest as much as possible shortly after they are mature, and try to sell the price as much as possible during the short -term listing period. It is difficult to decline significantly.

In addition, some wholesalers have said that the main producing area of ​​Xinyu is in Hubei, and Wuhan is a large circulation transit hub for vegetables in the country. It is not considered as many sources of new goods to the national market, and the price is naturally higher. According to the rules, in the midsummer season in July and August, there will be a concentrated list of lotus root in the province, and the price of new crickets will slowly fall.

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