34 A -share companies disclosed that nearly 70 % of net profit increased year -on -year

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.06.17

Reporter Li Zheng

As time approaching 2022, many listed companies have taken the lead in disclosing the semi -annual report of the results of the semi -annual report. According to the Oriental Fortune CHOICE data, as of June 16, 34 listed companies in the A -share market have released the performance forecast of the first half of the 2022. 67.65%.

According to the growth rate of net profit, of the above 34 listed companies, listed companies in new energy -related industries have increased higher.

Among them, the lithium industry related to the new energy vehicle industry chain (categorized according to Shenwan industry, below) Shengxin New Lithium Energy is expected to increase by 793.9%year -on -year to 897.04%; A year -on -year increase of 542.79%to 618.52%; Yuneng Technology, a listed company listed on the photovoltaic industry, is expected to increase by 243%year -on -year. The above three listed companies temporarily listed the top three growth rates.

Chunshi Group partner Yang Ruyi said in an interview with the Securities Daily reporter that the investment in the early period of the new energy industry in my country has initially achieved results. Rising year by year.

"The development of the new energy industry is far from the end. It is expected that in the future, it will continue to be strongly supported by policies and the favor of funds. The relevant sectors have long -term investment value and deserve long -term attention." Yang Ruyi said.

In terms of the new energy vehicle industry, the data provided by the China Automotive Power Battery Industry Innovation Alliance shows that it has benefited from the rise in domestic new energy vehicles. %. According to the data of the China Automobile Association, my country's new energy vehicle sales reached 447,000 in May, an increase of 110%year -on -year, an increase of 49.6%month -on -month, and a market share of 24%.

Liu Jixin, assistant to Rongzhi Investment Fund, a subsidiary of Rongzhi Investment Fund, told the reporter of the Securities Daily that although it was affected by the epidemic from April to May, the operation of the new energy vehicle industry in some areas was suspended, resulting in a reduction in demand for power batteries, but the demand for power batteries was reduced, but As Shanghai and other places actively and orderly promote resumption of work and re -production in an orderly manner, the industry has returned to the normal operation track. Driven by the policy and localities of the new energy vehicle consumption subsidies, the industry will be in a long -term high -prosperity range, especially the lithium battery -related industries in the industry chain are expected to usher in volume and price rising. Lithium battery head enterprises with stable production and sales growth are worthy of attention.

"Securities Daily" reporter noticed that according to the classification of the industry, among the 23 pre -listed companies, in addition to the new energy industry, electronics (5), computers (4), and pharmaceutical creatures (2) The performance of listed companies in the technology industry is equally dazzling.

Everbright Securities Electronics Industry Analysts believe that the localization of the core links of the upstream of the electronics industry (such as the field of equipment materials) has become an urgent demand at present. It is expected that under the huge market demand, national policy support and a large amount of R & D investment, the domestic electronic industry equipment materials The market share of the enterprise will be further increased.

"In the first half of the year, the epidemic situation was repeated, and the needs of medical testing, medical, and medical consumables improved, and the performance of related companies was naturally brighter." Yang Ruyi said that in high -tech industries, only by mastering core technologies can we have more investment. Value, because innovation and development will be the topic of long -term attention in the capital market.

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