Must News: The Ministry of Finance: From January to May, the stamp duty of securities transactions was 141.3 billion yuan, an increase of 15% over the same period last year.

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.06.16

Must News Speed ​​Exhibition June 16, 2022 Securities Daily www.zqrb.cn1. National Bureau of Statistics: In May, the sales price of commercial housing increased year -on -year or declined to expand the data on June 16th. The sales price of commercial housing in China has continued to decline in the overall month -on -month, but the decline slowed down, and the number of new commercial housing decreased from the previous month. Increased number. From a year -on -year perspective, in May, in the 70 large and medium cities, the sales prices of new commercial housing and second -hand houses decreased by 46 and 57, respectively, which were increased by 7 and 1 respectively from the previous month. According to the Chief Statistical Division of the National Bureau of Statistics, the sales prices of new commercial housing and second -hand houses in first -tier cities rose by 3.5%and 1.7%year -on -year, and the increase fell 0.4 and 0.7 percentage points from the previous month. The sales prices of new commercial housing in second -tier cities rose 0.3%year -on -year, and the increase fell 0.7 percentage points from the previous month; the sales price of second -hand residential houses decreased by 1.7%year -on -year, and the decrease was 0.7 percentage points from the previous month. The sales prices of new commercial housing and second -hand housing in third -tier cities decreased by 2.2%and 3.2%year -on -year, respectively, and the decrease was 0.7 percentage points from the previous month. From a month -on -month perspective, in May, among 70 large and medium cities, the sales prices of newly -built commercial housing decreased by 43 cities month -on -month, a decrease of 4 from last month. From the perspective of various cities, in May, the sales prices of new commercial housing in first -tier cities rose 0.4%month -on -month, an increase of 0.2 percentage points from the previous month; second -tier cities decreased by 0.1%month -on -month, and the decrease was the same as last month; third -tier cities decreased by 0.3%from the previous month. The drop is narrowed by 0.3 percentage points than last month. Statistics show that in May, the sales price of second -hand residential houses in 70 large and medium cities decreased by 53 cities month -on -month, an increase of 3 over the previous month. (Xinhua News Agency) 2. Business Department: I have confidence to maintain the operation of foreign trade throughout the year in a reasonable range on June 16th. The spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, Shu Jioting, said at a routine conference that this year my country's foreign trade opening is generally stable, but it has been internal internal, but it has been internal internal, but it is internal internal, but it is internal internal, but it has been internal internal, but it is internal internal. The impact of external multiple factors, the stable growth pressure has increased. Since May, the re -production and re -production of foreign trade enterprises has been promoted in an orderly manner. The speed rose to 9.6%, and the foreign trade field showed a recoverable growth momentum. "At present and in the future, the development of foreign trade still faces some uncertain instability. From the international perspective, the world economic recovery is fragile, leading to weak growth in external demand. It is far lower than 4.1%expected in January this year. From a domestic perspective, foreign trade companies still face problems such as costs, supply chains and logistics. "Shu Jioting said. Regarding the media asked, "Whether the high growth and export of imports and exports in May can be maintained", Shu Jioting responded that despite some difficulties, there are still many favorable conditions to achieve the goal of foreign trade preservation and stability this year. First, all regions and departments have resolutely implemented the central decision -making and deployment, implemented the requirements of high -efficiency and overall epidemic prevention and control, and economic and social development requirements, and the normal production and living order gradually recovered. The logistics blockage point gradually opened up. The advantages of China's foreign trade industry will be further exerted. The second is to support the introduction of policy densely. The State Council issued a package of policies and measures to solidly hold the economy, released opinions that promote the preservation and improvement of foreign trade, and make further deployment of the work of resolving the difficulty of re -production of enterprises, accelerating export tax refunds, and improving port efficiency. Relevant departments in various regions are actively implementing and introducing supporting measures. The release effect of various support policies will effectively promote foreign trade growth. Third, there are more and more free trade agreement partners, and the role of tax reduction and trade facilitation in the free trade agreement will also play an important role in promoting the development of foreign trade. "In general, we are confident to maintain the entire year's foreign trade operation in a reasonable range and contribute to the stability of the macroeconomic market." Shu Jioting said. (Securities Daily) 3. Hong Kong and Macau's benchmark interest rates 75 basis points to 2%on the morning of the 16th, the Financial Administration of Hong Kong and Macau announced that the benchmark interest rate was 75 basis points to 2%. On the morning of the 16th, the Hong Kong Financial Administration announced that the basic interest rate was raised to 2.00 % according to the preset formula, which took effect immediately. The Hong Kong Monetary Administration pointed out that the basic interest rate is the basic interest rate for calculating the discount rate applicable to the repurchase trading when calculating the discount window. At present, the basic interest rate is scheduled to be at the current limit of the US Federal Fund interest rate target range, or the average movement average of the 5 -day mobile average of the 5 -day movement of the Hong Kong bank interbank interbank overnight and 1 month is subject to higher. The Hong Kong Monetary Administration stated that in response to the 75 base points of the target range of the federal fund interest rate on June 15 (US time), the current lower limit of the federal fund interest rate target range plus 50 base points is 2.00%, while overnight and 1 month The average 5 -day movement of interest rates in Hong Kong's interbank industry is 0.20%, so according to the preset formula, the basic interest rate is set at 2.00%. The Macau HKMA subsequently pointed out that, in view of the linked Macau dollars and Hong Kong dollars, the policy interest rate changes in the two places must be basically the same to maintain the effective operation of the Hong Kong and Macao exchange rate system. Therefore, the Macau Macao Administration followed the Hong Kong Monetary Administration to adjust its basic interest rates simultaneously.

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