Two departments: 2022 National plan recruitment of 67,000 special post teachers

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.06.16

Zhongxin Jingwei, June 16th. According to the WeChat public account of "Weiyan Education", the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance recently issued the "Notice on the Implementation of Special Plan for School Teachers in Rural Compulsory Education in 2022", 2022, 2022 The national plan to recruit 67,000 special post teachers in the country, the Central "Special Plan Project" is still implemented for the central and western provinces, focusing on the original "three districts and three states", the national and rural rejuvenation, the key to the county, ethnic minority areas and other areas. School supplements special post teachers.

The "Notice" clearly states that in 2022, the Central Government's "Special Post Plan" is still implemented for the central and western provinces, focusing on the original "three districts and three states", the national and rural rejuvenation focusing on the county, ethnic minority areas and other regions; Special post teachers, continuously optimize the structure of the teacher team, and further strengthen the supplement of weak discipline teachers such as ideological politics, beauty, foreign languages, science, labor, psychological health, information technology, special education, etc.

The "Notice" requires that local governments must make overall plans to prevent and control and recruit the epidemic, and timely release recruitment information in a timely manner. The provinces that recruit the unpopular plan at one time can organize the second recruitment test in accordance with regulations. Remote and difficult areas and recruitment of specialized teachers who are urgently needed for scarcity can be appropriately reduced in accordance with the actual situation, or the proportion of non -examination is not set up. For areas with special remote and difficult teachers, they can tilt towards local students.

The "Notice" emphasizes that the local government should work well in the treatment guarantee of special post teachers, ensure that the salary of the special post teachers will be paid in full on time, and participate in social insurance in accordance with regulations. Edit and implement jobs. It is necessary to conscientiously carry out the training of special post teachers and strengthen pre -post training. It is necessary to do a good job of information management of special post teachers, and make data supplements and updates on time.

(Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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