Give people fishing: 30 days of "growth" of new takeaway merchants

Author:Bobo Finance Time:2022.08.04

Source | Bohufn

Author | Twilight

In recent years, affected by factors such as the epidemic, the catering industry has been severely impacted. According to the statistics of institutions, in 2021, catering merchants have fallen from 11.0705 million to 9.414 million. Under the pressure of rigid costs such as cash flow, rent, and increasing labor costs, many small and medium businesses are facing the fate of failure.

In the early days of Shenzhen Fengcheng, the Weijia Baozipu was forced to close the shop. The owner Lai Linyuan helplessly bluntly "collapsed" under the public account of the Shenzhen Health Commission. And a Cantonese cuisine snack bar, which has been in Guangzhou for more than 20 years, has faced the crisis of closing a store during the epidemic, and the minimum income was only about 10%of the usual turnover.

At the same time, takeaway has become a new channel for catering people to try to open source and pursue guests. According to data from Kunpeng Data and Narrow Gate Eye Public Accounts, 55%of businesses in first -tier cities in January 2022 opened takeaway.

However, the new attempt also brings new troubles. There is a large difference between the business model of the food and the takeaway. The former pays more attention to the store environment and scene experience. The latter needs to have stronger operating skills and data analysis capabilities. From a cost perspective, takeaway requirements for the area of ​​the store are not high. Merchants can save costs by compressed the area of ​​the store. The cost they pay is often accounting for about 6-8%of commissions.

The signal refracted by the entire environment is: the offline hall food business has been greatly affected by the external environment, and the uncertain factors increase. Corresponding to it, the online trend is accelerating, and the trend of dual food and takeaway at home is becoming more and more obvious.

So, how does the newly -entered takeaway merchants seize the opportunity? Under the cold wind, how do they "self -hematopoies"?

The uncertainty is enhanced, where does catering people go?

Open the prospectus of the four companies of the Green Tea Restaurant, Qixin Tian, ​​Lao Wang, and Rural Kita. Although the track is different, the gameplay, and the scale are different, they also want to open the catering company of physical stores. Similarly, they are facing the same cost pressure: rent, manpower, raw materials.

The first is the high rent cost. In addition to Qixin Tian, ​​due to the special characteristics of the high-guest unit price of its seafood products, the other three property rents, hydropower expenses and depreciation amortization often account for about 20-30%of the revenue. This type of cost basically belongs to "Rigid costs", regardless of whether the merchant is operating, even if the store is temporarily closed due to the epidemic, the fixed cost is still required.

Followed by labor costs. Like rent, manpower also belongs to the "rigid cost" of catering brands. The expansion of the store not only does not have any human marginal effects, but it needs to add additional management positions and training expenses to maintain service quality. The store is temporarily closed due to external environmental influence, but the basic salary of employees still has to be paid. Looking at the prospectus of the four companies, their employee costs accounted for nearly 20%-30%of the revenue of the same period. Only Qixintian pressed the labor cost to less than 20%. The reason was actually outsourcing.

Moreover, raw materials. The cost of raw materials for the four stores accounts for nearly 40%of the revenue. This is still difficult to reduce the cost of raw material in the case of some chain catering in the central kitchen.

(Picture source: Network)

What presents is that Haidilao has lost 4 billion yuan in losses in the past year; tea Yanyue color, Wenheyou and other new catering brands have reduced staff; new elements of online celebrity restaurants go bankrupt.

Catering giants are all open source, and small and medium businesses are particularly difficult. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the overall income of China's catering industry last year has not returned to the level of 2019 before the epidemic. Most of the small and medium -sized enterprises, due to the limited cash flow, the risk capacity is weaker, and the loss is more serious than the chain catering brand.

For small and medium -sized merchants, in addition to facing the pressure of rent, manpower and raw material costs, marketing costs are also an important aspect. The acquisition of traffic has become a difficult problem for small and medium businesses. As the prices of soybean, wheat, rapeseed oil, corn, etc. have risen to varying degrees, rapeseed oil has increased by more than 60%. Individual households catering stores that cannot be purchased in large quantities are even more painful.

The transformation of small and medium businesses is inevitable. For example, the Helen Silk Testament was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last year. In the past three years, the store store has expanded from 162 to 528, and plans to open 2,200 stores by 2023. Not only does it grow against the trend in the downtown period of the catering industry, it has also become synonymous with the economy in the eyes of capital.

Why does Helen Division still grow up against the trend under the cold winter of the industry? From the perspective of capital, it enhances the social attributes of the store and meets the current needs of young people to experience the experience of offline social space. What's more important is to carry out digital management operations, shift from traditional rough operation to precise services, and reduce costs and efficiency in operating strategies.

I have to examine the current environment. Now the catering industry is facing "double home", and the dual model of dangli+takeaway will greatly strengthen the risk of merchants. The online takeaway of merchants is undoubtedly a rational choice. But at the same time, they also face several major problems:

First, do not know how to operate. The rules and tools on the APP cannot be remembered, and the dishes and shop information are not perfect, which makes it difficult to obtain platform traffic recommendation.

Second, the ability to lack digital operations. For example, what kind of dishes do users of different ages, what kind of changes have the sales of dishes in different seasons, and what kind of evaluation of customers' tastes for dishes ... Most of these desensitized data value of the value of these desensitized data does not pay attention to it. Third, communicate with users. When many businesses just settled in, they only cared about the dishes information, but ignored the user feedback, so they did not establish a closer relationship.

How can these new businesses survive better? In the end, the cost reduction and efficiency are achieved?

Takeaway novice "hematopoietic" function

According to industry data, less than 18 months of dining merchants survived for less than 18 months. If you are not familiar with takeaway tracks, you will still face this survival curse. After all, 70.1%of the new registered merchants in the takeaway platform are newbies for takeaway. They do not know the takeaway rules and tools very well.

In the final analysis, traditional catering merchants still lack takeaway experience in the early stage of online transformation, which eventually leads to the problems such as low degree of improvement, poor transaction quality, and low traffic utilization rate. A systematic methodology is especially important for these merchants.

In response to the pain points of online transformation of merchants, Meituan takeaway has recently launched a 30 -day "new store growth plan" tailored by new merchants. It is said that this plan is an excellent takeaway housekeeper and business manager of the industry. The successful experience of merchants can be concluded.

(Picture source: Meituan Meituan)

This plan is a series of processes for traffic acquisition, store optimization, and customer maintenance. The plan is divided into three stages, and the summary is: pull new -exposure -retaining.

The first stage: 10 days ago, perfect accumulation. In the past, many businesses had such misunderstandings, and they couldn't wait to start promotion after going online. But in fact, before the promotion, the store also needs to create a "first impression" for users, such as improving dishes and shop information, accumulating praise, and finally using the free traffic rights provided by the platform to retain guests after attracting guests to enter the store.

However, most of the newly entered merchants are too anxious, and they have not optimized basic stores and menu. Even if customers come, they will lose because of difficulty experience. Many new merchants have been planted in the first stage to miss the opportunity to pull new opportunities. Essence

The second stage: 10 days in the middle, the traffic is exposed. After the accumulation of users, there is a large number of exposures. The plan given by Meituan is to give 7 days of free "traffic rights and interests", which also means that the new store has been moved to "downtown" and more people see it.

In addition to the exposure of traffic, Meituan has also added a secondary traffic exposure entrance -the exclusive entrance to the "new merchant" is opened. Consumers click on the entrance to discover the new options around at any time, bringing more orders for merchants.

Third stage: In the last 10 days, cultivate a return guest. For new merchants, they are the most distressed to "how to let users rest assured to place an order." The premise for users to rest assured is to improve the user feedback mechanism. Merchants need to continuously optimize services and respond to the problems raised by users in time, thereby improving the user experience.

In order to encourage more merchants to join in, after completing the 30 -day plan, merchants can also obtain fan base rights, thereby forming the private area flow of each small shop.

From the new to retaining, several key issues faced by new merchants, this new store growth plan has given the corresponding solution.

According to statistics, since April this year, merchants who have completed the "New Store Growth Plan" on Meituan have accounted for 40%of the total number of new merchants. Compared with the unparalleled merchants, these new merchants have an average order in the first month of opening. 102%higher.

Symbolism and prosperous ecosystem

In recent years, takeaway users in high -level cities (first- and second -tier cities) have approached saturation. More new takeaway users come from low -line cities (third -tier and below cities), especially cities below. Low cities.

How to seek growth? In terms of takeaway platforms, optimize the supply of digital services to protect the benefits of catering stores and enhance the ability of merchants to resist risks, in order to continuously strengthen the supply end of the supply side and finally achieve the purpose of "open source".

From this perspective, the core of the catering takeaway business is that there are not enough merchants who are willing to settle in the platform. The platform and merchants are symbiotic and prosperous. Only by continuously improving the service experience of the merchant can more merchants join in, and the entire ecology will be more prosperous.

From the "transparency of rates" in 2021 to the "six bailout measures" launched in early March this year, it provides 100,000 merchants with free "takeaway housekeeper services" to give free cloud printers and meals for new small and micro merchants on the newly launched small and micro merchants. Smart devices such as Bao. The "prosperity plan" launched in April this year helps new merchants to solve the problem of online operation pain points. It is not difficult to see behind these measures to see the positive attitude and determination of Meituan's continuous improvement of merchant experience.

Taking the "Weijia Baozi Shop" as an example, the store was forced to close the store but with the unblocking of Shenzhen, Meituan takeaway helped them go online and applied for free "takeaway housekeeper services".

(Picture source: Meituan Meituan)

And small businesses like Weijiabaozupu are not in a few. Taking Shenzhen's "Anji Roasted Goose" as an example, a 86 -year -old mother -in -law has been in business for more than 40 years. This stems from the help rebate launched by Meituan, which has increased by more than 4 times compared with the epidemic.

"Now watching the online store's single volume is better every day, and be happy." Lai Linyuan, the owner of the Weijia Baozipu, lamented. Throughout the current catering industry pattern, it has formed a community of interests of merchants, riders, users, and platform lips and teeth. As a core drive, how to symbiotic and prosperity with the platform is a new topic at the moment.

The "New Store Growth Plan" may be a springboard to help novice merchants who have been impacted by the epidemic and do not understand online operations can take the first step, and have more information on takeaway operations, thereby enhancing anti -risk capabilities, and more opportunities to carry the industry through the industry Winter.

In the past two years, the country has been emphasizing the "six stability and six guarantees" policies. Among them, "protecting employment", "protecting people's livelihood", and "keeping market entities" have been listed as the three most important goals. Related to the livelihood of millions of riders in China and the consumption of hundreds of millions of people in China, not only solved the employment problems of many people, but also greatly promoted the development of the Chinese catering economy.

As a very important one, the development of merchants determines the supply and demand of the riders, and the supply and demand of the riders determines the user's experience. Only by maintaining the "three carriages" of the user -the user, the platform can be like a towering tree, which can better promote the industry's ecological development.

Reference source:

Yuanchuan Research Institute: Winter of Catering and the answer of Meituan

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