New infrastructure to speed up!"East Digital West Calculation" boom surge

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.08.04

China Well -off Network Exclusive Specialty

Text | "Well -off" · China Well -off reporter Guo Yan

The implementation of the "East Digital and West Calculation" project will bring unprecedented development opportunities to relevant areas. By building a new type of computing power network system with data centers, cloud computing, and big data integration, the demand for computing power in the east to the west is orderly to the west. Optimize the layout of data center construction and promote the cooperation of east and west.

Photo Source/HELLORF

Following the projects of "West East Transmission", "West Qi East", "South Water and North Diversion", another super project in China- "East Digital West Calculation" was officially launched.

In February of this year, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Central Cyberspace Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the National Energy Administration jointly issued documents, and agreed to in the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, Chengdu -Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Gansu, Gansu Ningxia launched the construction of the national computing power hub node, and planned 10 national data center clusters including Zhangjiakou cluster. At this point, the overall layout design of the National Integrated Big Data Center system has been officially launched.

The implementation of the "East Digital and West Calculation" project will bring unprecedented development opportunities to relevant areas. By building a new type of computing power network system with data centers, cloud computing, and big data integration, the demand for computing power in the east to the west is orderly to the west. Optimize the layout of data center construction and promote the cooperation of east and west.

Industry experts said that "East Digital and West Calculation" has become the new starting point of new infrastructure, actively participating in the "East Digital West Calculation" project, and firmly in the hands of the autonomy of the development of the digital economy. The project will further consolidate the "ten ten ten ten The Digital Economy Development base during the fourth five "period.

One key trick

As the core productivity of the development of the digital economy, computing power has become the most important infrastructure in the development of the national economy. This also makes the importance of infrastructure such as data elements and computing power, which is mentioned to a higher level. The "East Digital and West calculation" only understands it literally. "Digital" is a data, and "calculation" refers to the calculation power. The two are the most direct starting point and entry point of "East Nigents and West Calculation".

"East count and west calculations", from the perspective of the country, the core is that through the construction of computing power hubs and data center clusters, the advantages of the western geographical resources are used to solve the problems encountered by the east computing power, so as to drive the upstream and downstream of the industry Development, extending space for the development of the east, can also help form a new pattern of western development.

In recent years, the key areas of my country's economic development have faced the tension of electricity for varying degrees. After the implementation of the "East Digital West Calculation" project, the western region is expected to attract data centers and upstream equipment manufacturing industries and downstream data processing, data cleaning, data content services and other related industries to build a complete data center industrial cluster. my country's East China, North China, and South China will transfer as much as millions of kilowatts of power loads related to data centers to the western region, which can alleviate the tight power supply and demand in the eastern region to a certain extent.

The western region is an important clean energy production base in my country. Promoting the "East Digital West Calculation" project, some power loads will be transferred at the space level, which will help improve the level of data center's use of green energy and promote the rich and clean energy of the western region of the power grid. At present, my country's data center green power use rate is about 23%. If the "East Digital and West Calculation" project increases this proportion to 50%in 2025, it can consume 80 billion kilowatt -hours of renewable energy power, which is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 45 million tons a year.

"East Digital" is a key trick to optimize the overall layout of computing power resources. In recent years, my country's data center industry has developed rapidly. According to data released by the 2022 China International Big Data Industry Expo, from 2015 to 2021, my country's data center has increased from 1.24 million to 5 million.

Although the scale of computing power in my country has grown rapidly, the phenomenon of the structured imbalance of supply and demand for the layout of the data center is more prominent. The economy in eastern regions and the booming Internet industry have produced huge data and requires a lot of computing power support, but the supply of data centers is in short supply. In the western region of underdeveloped economy, there are fewer data, but data centers are increasing, resulting in excessive supply. The implementation of the "East Digital West Calculation" project can effectively alleviate the lack of computing power in the eastern region. At the same time, it improves the current status of computing power and unscrupulous computing power in the western region.

Wang Weiling, director of the Data Governance Research Office of the Institute of Information Technology and Software Industry of the China Institute of Electronic Information Industry, believes that "East Digital and West Calculation" is a breakthrough point in promoting the sustainable development of the digital economy. With the rapid development of information technology, the scale of data in my country has expanded rapidly, and huge data volume has put forward higher requirements for data processing analysis capabilities. At the same time, the construction of green and energy -saving data centers is also the general trend. The "East Digital West Calculation" project emphasizes green development requirements, proposes to build a data center for green and low -carbon, explore energy -saving potential in terms of construction models, standards and technologies, and put forward the development goals such as green energy conservation for the eight major computing power hubs.

Gao plot, real fall

People in the industry believe that "East Digital and West Calculation" is the same important national strategic layout as the "South Water Diversion" and "West Delivery East", and it is also based on the focus of modern informationization, especially digital strategy.

Yu Shiyang, director of the Big Data Development Department of the National Information Center, said, "Implementing the" East Digital West Calculation "project, optimizing the computing power space layout, will not only help alleviate the high energy consumption of the data center industry, reduce the operating costs of eastern enterprises, and boost the western digits Economic and guarantee of national data security and stability is also conducive to promoting the high -quality development of new infrastructure and achieving common prosperity. " Layout. "Zhao Gang, dean of the Saizhi Industry Research Institute, said that on the one hand," East Digital and West Calculation "is conducive to the efficient use of east and west resources, and on the other hand, it is conducive to the balanced development of the digital economy of the East and West.

"'East Digital and West Calculation' has a high dependence on energy resources, and it also represents the future of green development." Xia Yan, a senior partner of Shanghai Huamuo Think Tank and Dean of the Yangtze River Delta Research Institute, believes that "East Digital and West Calculation" There is a great role in promoting energy conservation in the whole society.

"In the next step, we should focus on strengthening the coordinated linkage of the computing power hub cluster and the cluster to promote the computing power network coordinated layout between nodes. The computing power is only like the transportation power of the steam era and the energy and power in the electrical era. Become an infrastructure that is visible to everyone, universal use, and efficient interconnection, in order to truly promote the efficient flow and value creation of data. "Yu Shiyang said.

"As a national strategy, the" East Digital West Calculation 'is large, wide and there, and there are many subjects, and it is necessary to strengthen the coordination according to the "one game of a nationwide chess". " The management of land and water consumption has given guidance to the construction of data centers. In essence, as a resource, computing power also enables the market to play a decisive role in resource allocation and better play the government's role.

Therefore, Xia Yan suggested that on the one hand, the market should accelerate the establishment of a trading platform to better strengthen the computing power scheduling according to the supply and demand relationship, especially to vigorously introduce and cultivate data collection, cleaning, mining, application, asset management, data governance, compliance, compliance, compliance, compliance, compliance, compliance, compliance, compliance, compliance, and compliance Data elements market entities such as consulting and security assessment and other industrial chain links are explored to build the data factor market. On the other hand, the government should accelerate the establishment of institutional rules, including new infrastructure such as overall planning and scientific configuration data centers to avoid low -level repetitive construction; benchmarking international advanced levels, accelerate the improvement of energy efficiency standards such as communication, operations, storage, and transmission. Improve the entry threshold, eliminate backward equipment and technologies; strengthen the construction of the data standardization system, promote the establishment of the Yangtze River Delta regional data sharing mechanism based on the demand list, responsibility list, and sharing data resource catalog, and promote the effective flow of data and development and utilization.

"Relevant agencies estimate that the annual investment volume of the" East Digital West Calculation "project will reach hundreds of billions of yuan each year, which will lead to 1: 8 in the relevant industries." From the perspective of Dr. Ouyang Yan, the chief technical officer of Asiaxin Technology and senior vice president, The data center industry chain includes both traditional civil engineering projects, but also involves IT equipment manufacturing, information communication, basic software, green energy supply, etc. The industrial chain is long, covered with widely covered door categories, and has a large driving effect. Through the construction of computing power hubs and data center clusters, it will effectively drive upstream and downstream investment in the industry. Among them, the IDC construction and operation manufacturers responsible for the infrastructure of the data center and IT equipment manufacturers and network security manufacturers of computing power servers will benefit first.

Although the "East Digital West Calculation" project requires a long enough time to see the effect, some changes are happening.

For example, partial labor -intensive industries such as data labeling are shifting to the west. According to the above -mentioned industry analysts, this phenomenon has now emerged, but after the "East Digital West Calculation" project has established data "high -speed roads", the path of this type of industrial transfer will be more convenient and efficient.

Wang Jiandong, Yu Shiyang, Dou Yue and others mentioned that the National Information Center's Big Data Development Department mentioned that the coordinated development strategy of traditional regions mainly considers the cross -domain circulation problems such as people flow, logistics, capital flow, and innovation flow. During the development strategy, the free circulation of data elements should be considered as an important policy consideration. In addition, from the perspective of industrial layout, promoting cross -domain circulation of data elements is an important path to promote the digital economy in the central and western regions towards the high -end industrial chain.

In addition to industrial transfer, the data elements will gradually increase with the development of the "East Digital and West Calculation" project to promote a network of data elements in the field of key areas, especially the people's livelihood. A good example is the "national data sharing exchange platform" currently built in my country.

It is an industrial opportunity, and it is also an industrial challenge

Although "East Digital and West Calculation" is a national strategic project, these mainstream technology companies will sing the protagonist on this stage. Due to the long data center industry chain and strong driving effect, more private SMEs will benefit from it. Computers, communication, optoelectric components, basic software and other industries have wider future development opportunities.

"The comprehensive landing of 'East Digital and West Calculation' is both industrial opportunities and industrial challenges. It requires communication, computing power, active layout of enterprises in the IT field, and making breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation." It brought a strong demand for computing power. The "East Digital West Calculation" consolidated the base of the digital economy and laid a long foundation for my country's further development of the digital economy. At the same time, the "East Digital West Calculation" is also a big stage and acting field for the digital economy to achieve core technology breakthrough innovation, which provides a good support for the achievement of core technology breakthroughs. In addition, on the big stage of "East Digital and West Calculation", the entire industrial chain of the digital economy can also be better integrated and developed. Some institutions predict that the core of the demand for "East Digital West" in the short term is mainly based on universal computing power. From the long run, it also includes the mode of synergistic computing power and multiple computing power. Computing and accelerating companies bring new opportunities. The "East Digital and West Calculation" project may drive hundreds of billions of dollars per year in the next five years.

"The data center industry chain includes both traditional civil engineering projects, but also involves IT equipment manufacturing, information communication, basic software, green energy supply, etc. The industrial chain is long, the door is wide, and the driving effect is large. The effort will effectively drive upstream and downstream investment in the industry. "The relevant person in charge of the Xin Gao Division of the National Development and Reform Commission said.

According to the China Business Industry Research Institute, the upstream of the data center industry chain is a variety of basic equipment, including IT equipment, non -IT equipment, operators, software, land construction, etc. Business, retail data center service providers, IT outsourcing service providers/system integrators; downstream are applied to Internet companies, government agencies, financial institutions, software industries, manufacturing, etc.

In addition, the layout of the data center to the west will further reduce the development gap between the east and west. The construction of large -scale data centers will inevitably drive the rapid development of local civil engineering, logistics transportation, services and other industries to create economic benefits and employment positions. In addition, after the completion of the data center, the development of the digital economy in the western region can be strongly promoted, and it can provide strong computing power support for the digital transformation in the field of government affairs and people's livelihood.

However, the challenge is not small.诺基亚贝尔执行副总裁常疆分析认为,当前,发展算力网络还需要解决六个方面的问题:一是当前云和网保持相对独立,给云网资源融合带来挑战;二是算力资源与The computing power business needs to take into account both performance and cost; third, there are differences between cloudy clouds, and it is difficult to schedule and control the integrated resource scheduling and control; fourth is that computing power resources and computing power perceptions are still in the exploration stage, lack of technical standard system support; Computing power transactions and computing power service models also require actual verification; sixth is that the computing power network, as a future -oriented strategic development direction, requires a wide range of industrial collaboration.

Yu Shaohua, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, reminded that "East Digital and West Calculation" should be avoided to avoid being cozy and avoid blind development and repeated investment. On the one hand, it is necessary to overcome technical problems to ensure that different subjects are more accurate and smoother at the technical level; on the other hand, we must do more work in terms of indicators, standards and specifications to ensure high standards and strict requirements. "East Digital and West Calculation" is a big strategy and a long -term strategy. To start a good game, take a good step, not too anxious. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence applications, data explosive growth and computing models are becoming increasingly complicated, people's demand for computing power has a high -speed growth trend, and there is also sufficient technical talent reserves in the west. At the same time, we must do a good job of formulating relevant laws, rules and regulations, and data privacy protection policies. All levels of society should be supported and encouraged, giving more time and patience.

("Well -off" · China Well -off Exclusive Draft)

This article was published in "Well -off" in late July 2022

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