The China Banking Regulatory Commission intends to introduce bad behaviors such as the new rules of personal insurance products to prohibit the induction of transfer insurance

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.08.03

On August 2nd, according to the official website of the CBRC, in order to regulate the disclosure of personal insurance product information and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the insurer, the insured, and the beneficiary, the China Banking Regulatory Commission issued the "Management Measures for the Disclosure of Personal Insurance Products (Solicitation of Solid in the Management of Personal Insurance Product Information Draft for Opinions) (hereinafter referred to as "Measures").

The "Measures" clarify the product material information that insurance companies should disclose, including information such as product terms, rates, cash value sheets, etc. closely related to consumer rights and interests. Clarify the content of information disclosure of insurance products in the process of pre -sales, mid -sales, and after -sales, as well as information disclosure requirements for special population.

It is worth noting that the "induction and transfer" behavior that had been criticized by the industry before was banned by the "Measures" issued this time. The "Measures" mentioned that for customers who purchase personal insurance products over one year and have the need for transfer, if the insurance company agrees to transfer insurance, the insurance company shall disclose the relevant transfer information to the insured person, and fully fulfill the relevant transfer information, and fully fulfills it. It is prompted to understand the potential risks of the transfer of insurance and prohibit behavior such as inducing transfer and other behaviors that are not conducive to customer interests. The disclosure information includes but is not limited to the following: confirming the loss of the customer's knowing that the existing product transfer insurance needs to be underestimated or the policy fails, and the relevant interests have caused related benefits; confirming that the customer knows that the new product may be caused by changes in age and health status. Adjustment of the scope of protection; confirm that the customer knows that the adjustment of relevant expenses due to changes in the age, health status, occupation, etc. after the transfer of insurance; ; Confirm that customers know that the time limit of the new product after the transfer may need to be re -calculated, such as the waiting period of medical and critical illnesses, suicide or non -defense terms.

As for the phenomenon of "stir -frying" that previously appeared in insurance companies, the "Measures" also clarified. If insurance companies decided to stop selling insurance products, they should disclose the name of the suspension product within 10 working days after the suspension decision. , Stopping the time of sales, the reason for the sales, and the follow -up service measures.

In addition, the "Measures" also mentioned that the information disclosure materials of insurance products should be managed by the insurance company's company uniformly. The insurance company's head office may authorize the design or modify the disclosure of insurance product information disclosure, but it should be reported to the head office for approval. Except for provincial branches of insurance companies, other branches of insurance companies shall not design and modify information disclosure materials for insurance products. In addition, insurance companies shall not authorize or entrust insurance sales staff, insurance intermediaries and their employees to modify the information disclosure materials of insurance products themselves. Insurance sales staff, insurance intermediaries and their employees shall not modify the information disclosure materials of insurance products sold by the agent sales.

In terms of supervision, the "Measures" mentioned that if insurance institutions fail to design, modify, and use product information disclosure materials in accordance with these Measures, the CBRC shall order correction within a time limit; The fines below the yuan will warn the person in charge and other responsible responsible persons directly responsible, and impose a fine of 10,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan. (Su Xiangyu Yang Jie)

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