Plaster the gold signboard of "Good Pin Shandong", from the brand province to the brand strong province

Author:China Economic Weekly Time:2022.08.01

"China Economic Weekly" reporter Zhang Yan

In the Beijing Winter Olympics, a "big block" held this year, it was particularly noticeable, that is, my country's first snow -wax car with completely independent intellectual property rights. During the Winter Olympics, this snow wax car rises more than 10,000 kilometers, and has endured various tests such as long -distance driving, plateau climate, low temperature of ice and snow, and severe weather.

As a typical representative of the "good product Shandong" technology innovation products, the snow wax car has condensed the collective wisdom of Shandong's "smart manufacturing" from design, research and development to production. It is reported that the traction car part of the car uses the new Yellow River heavy truck independently developed by China Sinotruk Group, equipped with the hydrogen fuel cell power system produced by Weichai Group, a subsidiary of Shandong Heavy Industry Group, and the entire car is equipped with AI intelligent constitution developed by Taishan Sports Group. Advanced equipment such as inspection all -in -one machine, public health and epidemic prevention and disinfecting all -in -one machine.

In recent years, the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have further implemented a strong quality provincial and brand strategy, based on regional resources and industrial development pattern, comprehensively planned to promote the construction of "good product Shandong" regional brand, guide enterprises to promote the development of independent brands with regional brands, and fully develop their own brand. Give play to the important role of enterprises in shaping regional brands.

Hou Chengjun to Luxi Chemical Group Co., Ltd. to investigate the construction of quality management system

Create promoting "good product Shandong" and activating high -quality development new kinetic energy

"Shandong Province is a large brand province, but the brand is scattered in various departments and systems. It does not form a aggregate effect, and it is not a strong brand." In an exclusive interview with the reporter of China Economic Weekly, Hou Chengjun, director of the Shandong Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, said, " Create a "good product Shandong" regional public brand, change the situation of traditional brands "scattered, chaotic, small" and "single", and form a clear and clear cognition of public brands on Shandong regional public brands for market entities and consumers. For the establishment of the independent brand image of Shandong Province, enlarging the effects of public brand in Shandong Province, transform the quality advantages of Shandong Province into brand advantages, realize the high -end price increase and appreciation of the brand, and further promote the high -quality development of Shandong's economy has strong practical significance.

In 2020, the work report of the Shandong Provincial Government clearly proposed the key task of "sharing and sharing 'good products Shandong', forming a" hospitable Shandong · Haopin Shandong "brand system".

In 2021, the Shandong Provincial People's Government issued the "Several Measures on Co -construction and Sharing" Good Pin Shandong "to promote high -quality development, and expand the scope of the province's regional brand construction from a certain industry, a certain field to agriculture and industry to agriculture and industry. In the fields of service industry, construction industry, etc., the “good product Shandong” products, enterprises, industry, regional, and geographical indications “4+1” brand system has been established, which has opened a new model of regional brand construction.

As the main responsible unit of the "Good Pin Shandong" brand construction, the Shandong Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has actively improved various systems in the past year, combined with the actual situation of Shandong Province, formulated and issued the "Good Pin Shandong" regional public brand. Construction promotion plans, evaluation management measures and other supporting execution documents; standardize evaluation standards, and establish a detailed evaluation rules for the "good product Shandong" brand system; in the selection process, strictly evaluate, cooperate with the level, and set up the "good product Shandong" expert committee for " The construction of Shandong provides intelligence support, forming a good mechanism of collaborative advancement, linkage, and combination of blocks. In March 2022, under the selection of the organization, qualification review, expert review, list preliminary selection, solicitation opinion, etc., the first batch of 223 "Good Pin Shandong" brand was officially announced.

In this Shandong brand "Tian Tuan", there are old -fashioned Shandong old names that represent excellent traditional culture, such as East Ejiao and Texas picking chicken; there are also high -quality agricultural products produced by large agricultural provinces, such as Zhangqiu green onions, Yantai Apple, Boshan, Boshan Kiwi. In addition, the leading high -end manufacturing equipment in the country is also selected, such as high -speed magnetic floating transportation systems, the Beijing Winter Olympics "rookie" smart snow wax cars, etc., showing the powerful strength of the "good product Shandong" brand.

"The" Good Pin Shandong "brand has become a new driving force and engine that leads the high -quality development of Shandong's economy." Hou Chengjun said.

Strengthen quality management and enhance the core competitiveness of Shandong brand

Quality can reflect the comprehensive strength of a country and region, and it is also a symbol of the core competitiveness of enterprises and industries. According to Hou Chengjun, the selection process of the first batch of "good product Shandong" brand list can be described as "excellent selection and excellent". Many brands are from the China Quality Award, Shandong Governor Quality Award Enterprise and New and Old Row Energy Conversion Key Industry, as well as well -known agricultural products. Among the regional public brands and enterprise product brands, old -fashioned, geographical signs and other stock brands, highlighting evaluation indicators such as quality, innovation, brand, benefits and green development, selection and production, which has the characteristics of high quality level, high social reputation, and large market influence. It reflects the core connotation of "good product Shandong".

The reporter noticed that in the first batch of "good product Shandong" brand list, manufacturing brand products can be described as "half of the country". Not only covering household appliances, new generation of information technology, and high -end equipment products, but also leaders in the field of high -end chemical and new energy and new materials.

"'Innovation' has become the soul and confidence of Shandong's" good product ". 'Good product Shandong' selection standards take scientific and technological innovation as an important evaluation indicator, and selected for new generation of information technology, high -end equipment, new materials and other industries A number of enterprises with high scientific and technological content, strong independent innovation capabilities, high R & D investment, and high market share. "Hou Chengjun introduced to reporters. The selected list of CIMC Qingdao Sifang locomotive and vehicle Co., Ltd. has developed the world's first high -speed magnetic floating transportation system with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour; and high -efficiency energy -saving equipment such as magnetic suspension blossoms and magnetic suspension vacuum pumps developed by Shandong Tianrui Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., It broke the foreign monopoly, filled the domestic gap, and reached the international leading level. The level of high -end manufacturing is inseparable from the pursuit and improvement of high -quality. As one of the most complete industrial categories in the country, more than 100 key products in Shandong Province ranks among the top three in the country. In terms of industrial products, Shandong has cultivated a large number of national and provincial "quality benchmarks". As of now, Shandong has cultivated a total of 46 national "quality benchmarks", ranking first in the country; the provincial "quality benchmark" has reached 90.

It is understood that as the leading department of quality brand work in the province, in recent years, the Shandong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau has taken the in -depth promotion of strong quality provinces and brand strategies as the starting point. The brand development goal, and strive to do a good job of brand cultivation and creation, helping Shandong's enterprise brands to get rid of, yelling, and standing.

"Now the shape of the brand image is becoming more and more important. Whoever builds well, who will occupy the market opportunity." Said Bian Qingfeng, chairman of Taishan Sports, said that "good product Shandong" is the promotion of enterprises to carry out brand innovation and build brand culture. One opportunity provides strategic support and policy support for the creation of brand forces.

"We will strictly regulate brand supervision, establish a dynamic management mechanism of" Good Pin Shandong '', and force the brand subject of "Good Pin Shandong" to cherish and maintain a good brand image. At the same time Rights protection, eliminating 'going out' doubts, and expanding overseas influence. "Hou Chengjun said.

(This article published in "China Economic Weekly", No. 14, 2022)

The cover of "China Economic Weekly" in the 14th of 2022

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