[Service] What to do if the endowment insurance is interrupted, the official reply is here!

Author:Published by Hubei Time:2022.07.30

in life

Everyone may be due to changing jobs and other reasons

Facing the problem of interruption of endowment insurance payment


What is the impact of endowment insurance payment interruption?

How to deal with it without interruption?

Social security issues that everyone cares about

The official response of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

What is the impact of endowment insurance payment interruption?

Pension insurance interrupt payment will not affect the rights and interests of pension insurance. The social insurance agency will accurately record your personal account storage amount, and continuously calculate interest, and the paid pension insurance will not be paid in vain.


The longer the interruption

Then the corresponding cumulative payment time will be shortened

The cumulative storage amount of personal accounts will be relatively small

Finally, the pension will be relatively small

If you interrupt social insurance payment for a long time

The payment period of payment is not enough when the legal retirement age is not enough

Then you need to delay the time when you receive the pension

How to deal with it without interruption?

Speaking in the workplace is inevitable

But it can avoid the interruption of pension insurance

If the employee leaves

Find a new job soon

New work units should be reminded to go through the insurance procedures in a timely manner. According to the labor law, the insurance should be paid in accordance with the law from the month of establishment of labor relations.

If there is no after leaving

Find a new work unit

You can participate in enterprise employee endowment insurance as flexible employees in the household registration place. After the new unit is available, the unit can go through the insurance participation procedures.

Hubei released the official video number online

Welcome to follow

Source: Hubei Release, Human Resources and Social Security Department

Edit: Zeng Yan Li Na (internship)

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