The 3.0 version of the reform is a new blueprint for the optimized business environment in Shanxi!"Shanxi Provincial Business Environment Innovation Improvement Action Plan"

Author:Published by Shanxi Time:2022.07.29

On the morning of July 29, the Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference to deeply interpret the "Shanxi Provincial Business Environment Innovation and Promotion Action Plan" and answered questions from reporters.

Jia Wenhui, a second -level inspector of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee:

Reporter friends:

good morning guys! Welcome to the press conference of the Provincial Government News Office. Recently, the Provincial Government issued the "Shanxi Province Business Environment Innovation Program" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which is another important programming document for our province to optimize the business environment. The "Plan" strives to provide a strong support for market vitality and creativity by comprehensively creating an excellent business environment, providing strong support for our province to promote high -quality development in all aspects.

To help everyone better understand the relevant situation, today we invited:

Lian Linlin, deputy director and spokesman of the Provincial Examination and Approval Service Administration,

Yan Zhongli, deputy director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission,

Zhang Kuiyin, a second -level inspector of the Provincial Department of Justice,

Zhang Zhili, chief engineer of the Provincial Department of Housing and Construction,

Guo Xin'an, deputy director of the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau,

Du Feibiao, General Accountant of the Provincial Taxation Bureau.

Ask them to interpret the "Action Plan for Innovation and Improvement of Business Environment Innovation in Shanxi Province" and answer questions from reporters.

First of all, Lian Jianlin, deputy director and spokesman of the Provincial Examination and Service Administration.

Deputy Director of the Provincial Examination and Approval Service Administration

Jianlin, a spokesman:

Dear media friends:

good morning guys! First of all, on behalf of the Provincial Administrative Examination and Approval Service Administration, I have expressed my heartfelt thanks to everyone's long -term attention and strong support for optimizing the business environment. Below, I will introduce you to the background and main content of the "Shanxi Provincial Business Environment Innovation and Improvement Action Plan".

"Action Plan" introduced background

In recent years, in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, all regions have adhered to optimizing the business environment as an important starting point for promoting high -quality development, and have introduced a series of profit -making measures to promote the continuous improvement of the business environment. However, at the same time, the production and operation of market entities still face many difficulties. It is urgent to further focus on the concerns of market entities and cultivate the soil of the survival and development of enterprises. In order to further optimize the business environment and stimulate the vitality of the market, at the end of October last year, the State Council issued the "Opinions on the Pilot Work of the Innovation of the Business Environment" (Guo Fa [2021] No. 24), which clarified 6 The first batch of pilots in this city have accumulated experience and setting benchmarks for the continuous deepening of the business environment of the country.

The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attach great importance to optimizing the business environment, and resolutely implement the important instructions of "continuously to overcome difficulties in key reforms such as the business environment" made by General Secretary Jinping when investigating and investigating Shanxi. Active self -pressure, although the No. 24 of Guofa has not put forward clear requirements for the non -pilot area, our province still resolutely implements quickly and accelerates the road to help Shanxi's all -round promotion of high -quality business environment innovation. Since October last year, Secretary Lin Wu and Governor of Blue Buddha have repeatedly instructed, clearly required to step up the research and formulation of specific measures for innovation and optimization of the business environment in our province. Promote. We formed a work class. After half a year, we have conducted in -depth investigations and research, extensively soliciting opinions, and repeatedly organized demonstrations. On the basis of the weak item, based on the actual situation, the "Action Plan for Innovation and Improvement of Business Environmental Innovation in Shanxi Province", with the consent of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the "Action Plan" has been implemented in the near future.

The main content of "Action Plan"

The "Action Plan" focuses on serving the new layout of the development of the province's "two districts and three circles" regional development, focusing on creating the "five environments", and proposed 30 specific tasks, 119 leading leadership, large breakthroughs, and widely benefited. Reform.

In terms of the rule of law environment, we will break the unreasonable restrictions that hinder fair competition, strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of market entities, establish a community of the rule of law for the rule of law of the business environment, carry out pilots of legal advisory services for market entities, and strengthen legal services related to foreign business affairs.

In terms of the government environment, carry out the "second report and second batch" smart approval service, implement the registration of "one -stop, one window office, half -day, zero cost" for registration, explore and promote the cancellation of enterprises to cancel the "joint office, the UnionPay office, the license and license joint office, The bankruptcy joint office and tax pre -inspection ", and establish the" full -generation office "system of" full -scale online "and offline" full -generation "system.

In terms of credit environment, explore the credit grading supervision system in key areas, explore more flexible tolerance and prudent supervision, strengthen the full -chain supervision mechanism in key areas, accelerate the establishment of a new comprehensive supervision mechanism, explore the credit repair mechanism during the reorganization of the enterprise, improve the government Credit and promise mechanism.

In terms of the human environment, the service chain of the life cycle of the policy, the full life cycle service chain of the enterprise, the service chain of the whole life cycle of the project, the service chain of the natural person's life cycle, and the basic public service inclusive sharing chain.

In terms of factor guarantee environment, the market -oriented innovation element configuration system is established, and the reform of the simple and low -risk project "transaction is issuing a certificate, the transfer is the construction, and the registration is registered." The preliminary service mechanism of the project, tailor -made "one project, one plan, one list" approval service.

The "Action Plan" encourages conditions to try first and cities, and actively carry out originality and differentiation exploration according to local conditions. For example: Jinzhong City explores the reform of the "commitment system+standard land+full -generation office" to extend to conditions for county (city, district). Luliang City has carried out the service reform and innovation of benefit enterprise policy. Datong City deepened the reform of water and gas to facilitate the reform. Yuncheng deepen zero distance, zero charges, zero delay, and zero complaints "40 services" reform. Jincheng City promotes the pilot of the reform of the "No Certificate of Certificate". In the innovation and improvement actions, we will launch a series of basic traction reform measures to promote "face" to improve the "point" breakthrough.

The first is to implement a batch of benchmark reforms. In contrast to the 101 reforms of the first six pilot cities authorized by the country, the maximum possibilities of the benchmark reform within the scope of our province. For example, carry out the reform of "one photo and multiple sites" and "one certificate of one certificate", and carry out the pilot of the scientific and technological achievements of scientific and technological achievements or long -term use rights to scientific researchers.

The second is to deepen a number of special reforms. Starting from the problems that the masses need to solve it, we will create a "highlight of Shanxi" for innovation and improvement of business environment. For example, promote the implementation of the "five set meals", deepen the "multi -regulations", promote the "multi -code integration", and create an upgraded version of "a seal management approval".

The third is to innovate a group of independent reforms. Carry out minimalist approval operations, promote the "eleven tax integration" declaration of convenient taxation, "lead" of social security data, "zero running" of the payer, and explore the application of "blockchain+government service".

It can be said that the "Action Plan" is the newly launched business environment 3.0 reform of our province after the construction of the digital government construction as a traction. Construction diagram. Its implementation will play an important role in our province's optimized business environment, promoting market entities, more stimulating market vitality and social creativity, and comprehensive promotion of high -quality development. Let me introduce it here first, thank you all.

Jia Wenhui, a second -level inspector of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee:

Thanks to the introduction of Deputy Director Lianlin.

Next, began to answer questions from reporters. Please report the name of the news unit before asking questions.

Shanxi Daily Reporter:

The "Shanxi Provincial Business Environment Innovation Improvement Action Plan" introduced this time proposes a number of measures for optimizing projects to report to the construction approval. What are the good practices of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission in optimizing the construction of the environment?

Yan Zhongli, deputy director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission:

Thanks to reporters for their questions, and at the same time, I also thank all media friends for their long -term care and support for development and reform. The "Shanxi Provincial Business Environment Innovation and Promotion Action Plan" issued this time includes 119 policy measures, including 27 items involved in the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, 4 items of simplifying project approval, 3 reinforcement elements, improving government affairs and project services aspects 20 items. On the basis of comprehensive implementation of implementation, we must focus on focusing on three key links.

First, we must deepen the reform of the commitment system. Since the implementation of the reform of enterprise investment commitments, it has provided strong support for project construction. In the next step, we must work hard to deepen and expand. For the filing project, we must make every effort to promote the effective results of 14 government services, and keep the approval matters and co -organized the entire implementation of the incorrectly, so that the enterprise can get a real sense of gain. The approval project focuses on the long -term approval cycle of linear engineering projects, further reduction of links, reductions, and costs, and comprehensively improving the efficiency of project procedures.

Second, we must optimize the bidding business environment. Further clean up the hidden thresholds and unreasonable restrictions set by different ownership enterprises and foreign enterprises, and treat various market entities equally. Comprehensively promote the electronicization of the full process of bidding and bidding, and all aspects of the bidding and bidding are carried out online, continuously improving transaction transparency and convenience, and significantly reduced corporate transaction costs. Vigorously implement the "dual -random, one open" regulatory model, and continuously improve the supervision mechanism and improve the effectiveness of supervision. Explore the establishment of a early release system for the establishment of the bidding plan to facilitate the facilitation of the enterprise fairly and openly undertake the business.

Third, we must do a good job of project services. It is necessary to give full play to the role of provincial and cities' three -level project promotion centers, continue to carry out a dredging operation of 100 provincial key projects, and strive to solve the problem of slow obstruction in the initial procedures of the project. Grasp the scheduling of the annual construction projects, and increase the coordination and assistance of project land acquisition, municipal support, employment, raw materials, etc. At the same time, we can make good use of a national package of credit support policies and promote projects in batches to various financial institutions to ensure financing needs.

In the next step, we will arrange the deployment strictly in accordance with the "Action Plan" to further practical and detailed measures, ensure that the policy is effective, and help our province build a "three -none" and "three -cocked" business environment. thanks.

Huanghe News reporter:

Since the reform and development of the commercial system in our province, the company's enterprises in our province have effectively improved. How can the problem of "admission inaccurate camps" in the reform process of the reform process?

Guo Xin'an, deputy director of the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau:

Thanks to the reporter for asking. In recent years, our province has continued to promote the reform of the commercial system. Through the "first -by -take -first -first -after certificate", "multi -certificate integration", "compressing enterprise opening time" and other measures, it has effectively enhanced the convenience of market entities to collect business licenses into the market. At present, you can talk about the business license for half a day. However, the problem of "admission is not allowed to camp" still exists and has become the focus of social attention.

For this reason, since 2017, our province has continuously explored the problem of "inaccessible camps" through the reform of the "separation of licenses". Since February 2021, the full coverage of the "separation of licenses" has been implemented in our province. Full coverage is the meaning of two aspects -one is that the region has expanded from the original cities to the whole province;

The second is the full coverage of all enterprise -related business licenses.

There are currently 527 items (central 523+4 provincial levels). The license matters are all included in the list management, and there must be no more issues involving enterprises outside the list.

Then, the reform of the approval system is promoted in accordance with the "four doors". "Four doors" means:

The first is to cancel directly, with a total of 68 items.

The second is the approval and re -filing, involving 15 items.

The third is to implement the promise system, with a total of 74 items. If the approval department notify the required conditions required by the enterprise to handle the license items at one time, the enterprise promises to meet the operating permit conditions and submit the materials in accordance with the requirements, and make an approval decision on the spot.

The fourth is to optimize approval services, involving 355 items. Pass measures such as the requirements and links and links of compression approval, extension or cancellation of the validity period of the license, announced the total control conditions and stock conditions, and the in -depth promotion of the standardization of approval services to improve the efficiency of approval and reduce the cost of service.

As of the end of June this year, the province had handled 316,000 issues related to the "separation of licenses" and benefited 308,000 enterprises.

The third is to build and improve the "separation of licenses" reform information system, realize the data push and sharing of data between the reform departments, and lays an informatization foundation for the implementation of the reform policy.

After hard work, the reform of the "separation of licenses and licenses" in our province has been promoted in an orderly manner. In the next step, we must continue to focus on the focus of 19 high -frequency management matters such as food management permits and construction enterprise qualifications. Direct bureaus, refine and improve the examination and approval guide, notifications and commitment texts, regulatory rules and standards, and the practice permits and experience of promoting high -frequency matters in all corporate management permits of the "separation of licenses and licenses"; Grasp the difficulties and make special provisions on the difficulties such as the promise system and the connection of the trial and the connection of the trial, and ensure that the full coverage of the reform is promoted in an orderly manner and precisely implemented; grasp the deepening, and the promise system will be informed by 100 items by the end of the year.

In short, our bureau will take the problem -oriented, strengthen investigation and research, continuously deepen reforms, and make due contributions to solving the problem of "inaccessible access to camp". thanks.

Hong Kong Business Daily Reporter:

The business environment of the rule of law is an important part of the construction of the business environment. The twelfth party congress of the province also clearly proposes to build a fair and fair environment for rule of law. My problem is that in recent years, what do Shanxi Province do in the construction of a business environment for rule of law? What are the arrangements for the next step?

Zhang Kuiyin, a second -level inspector of the Provincial Department of Justice:

Thanks to the reporter for asking. Let me answer two questions you raised. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "the rule of law is the best business environment" at the second meeting of the Central Committee of the Central Committee in accordance with the law of the Central Committee, and deeply expounded the relationship between the rule of law and the business environment. In recent years, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have launched many effective reform measures around strengthening the protection of the rule of law and improving service efficiency, and the business environment of our province has been significantly improved.

The first is to adhere to the unified and connecting of reform and legislative decisions, the legislation actively adapts to the needs of reform, and actively play the role of guidance, promotion, standardization, and protection. In recent years, our province has promulgated and implemented the "Regulations on the Optimized Business Environment of Shanxi Province", "Regulations on the" Agreement of the Seal Management "of Shanxi Province", "Shanxi Province Enterprise Investment Project Promotion Regulations", and "Shanxi Province Relative Concentrated License Measures" and other one The series of local regulations and government regulations have played a positive role in ensuring the good operation of the market economy, protecting the rights and interests of market entities, and stimulating the enthusiasm and creativity of market players.

The second is to accelerate the construction of the rule of law and perform government functions according to law. Adhering to the legal duties must be, the law is not authorized, and the legalization of institutions, functions, permissions, procedures, and responsibilities is legalized. We will deepen the reform of "decentralization of service", simplify administration and decentralization, cancel the release of administrative approval matters, empower the development zone, adjust the list of power and responsibilities, and optimize the market environment, and improve administrative efficiency. Comprehensively implement the "three systems" of administrative law enforcement publicity, the entire process of law enforcement, and major law enforcement decision -making legal system, continuously regulate the administrative law enforcement tailoring, innovate administrative law enforcement methods, and better protect the legitimate rights and interests of market entities.

The third is to strengthen the publicity of laws and regulations of the business environment, and incorporate laws and regulations such as the "Optimized Business Environmental Regulations" in Shanxi Province into the key content of the rule of law in the province, and enhance the awareness and ability of business operators and employees in accordance with the law, managing and defending rights in accordance with the law, and enhanced their rights. The people of the people consciously abide by the law, find the law in case of trouble, and solve the law of the rule of law. Grasp the "key minority" of leading cadres, promote the normalization of the use of law, and continuously improve the ability to use the rule of law thinking and the rule of law to solve problems, and prevent inaction from the source, "new officials ignore the old account".

In the next step, we will closely focus on the decision -making and deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on optimizing the business environment, adhere to scientific legislation, democratic legislation, legislation in accordance with the law, and abolish them in accordance with the law. Reform needs; adhere to strict law enforcement, regulate law enforcement, justice law enforcement, civilized law enforcement, and create a good law enforcement environment; adhere to who enforce the law and popularize the law, continuously strengthen the concept of the rule of law of the whole people, and focus on the unreasonable restrictions of "eliminating the unreasonable restrictions that hinder fair competition, and Establish a business environment, ensure the community of the law, carry out the piloting of the legal advisory service service of market entities, strengthen legal services related to foreign business affairs, and strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of market entities. " Efforts to provide a strong guarantee for the rule of law for the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. thanks. Shanxi Radio and Television Station "Comprehensive Promoting High -quality Development Perspective" column reporter::

The taxation department is one of the units that have the most deal with market players and the most close contact. Please introduce what innovation measures are there in the taxation department in this business environment innovation and improvement operation?

Du Feibiao, Chief Accountant of the Provincial Taxation Bureau:

Thanks to the reporter for asking. Tax management and services involve millions of enterprises in the province, taxpayers and payment of millions of natural persons, and the quality of tax services have a direct impact on the business environment. In this province's business environment innovation and improvement action plan, the taxation department paid close attention to the "urgent and worried" problem of the taxpayer's payment, and strived to launch a series of hard -core service measures in the international and domestic first -class.

In general, matters that involve the taxation department in our province's business environment innovation can be divided into two categories.

The first type of matters mainly compare the important task matters involving the tax department in the "State Council's Opinions on the Pilot Work of the Innovation of Business Environment" (Guo Fa [2021] No. 24). Including: exploring non -contact issuance of tax UKEY, establishing a "credit+risk" regulatory system in the field of tax supervision, exploring the function of open electronic invoices for personal existing housing transactions, deepening the "multi -tax integration" declaration reform, establishment of administrative mandatory administrative compulsory The content of the measures and other measures involves both the transformation of supervision methods and the innovation of service methods. At present, these matters have implemented implementation conditions in our province.

The second category is an innovative measure that focuses on the concerns of market players in our province. On the basis of reference to copying international and domestic advanced experiences, we launched a group of innovative measures in the leading position in the national tax system, including: opening taxes and fees to the fast channel, the electronic tax bureau's mobile version of Cross -regional migration "barrier -free" online processing and social security data "leading" the "zero run" and "physical examination" risk reminders' reminder services, which reflect the rapid, convenient and intelligent of Shanxi tax services, which can allow the taxpayer Payers have a better taxation experience and obvious feelings.

At present, all the innovation and promotion issues involving the taxation department are promoting the landing, and some have basically achieved it. In the future, the experience of the taxpayer payment is continuously optimized and upgraded.

In addition to the above -mentioned reform matters listed in the innovation and improvement action plan, in recent years, the tax department has carried out the "I do a practical work for the masses" with the "Copy Tax Spring Wind Action" as a carrier. Tax payment measures; at the same time, expand the "non -contact" tax payment service, focus on improving the refined, intelligent and personalized of tax services, and continuously improved to the market entity service level. In short, we hope to provide more convenient tax payment services for various market entities through our unremitting efforts, and at the same time, it also promotes the continuous optimization and upgrading of the business environment of our province. thanks.

Shanxi Radio and Television Traffic Broadcast Reporter:

The reform of the approval system for engineering construction projects is an important measure to deepen the reform of "decentralization of service" and optimize the business environment. Excuse me, the Provincial Department of Housing and Construction, focusing on the implementation of the "Action Plan for the Innovation and Improvement of the Shanxi Province's Business Environment", what are the work measures in the reform of the province in the reform of the project construction project in 2022?

Zhang Zhili, chief engineer of the Provincial Department of Housing and Construction:

Thanks to the reporter for asking. Since the beginning of this year, in order to deepen the reform of "decentralization of service" and optimize the business environment, our province has actively promoted the reform of the approval system for engineering construction projects, and formulated and issued the "Key Points for the Reform of the Approval System for Deepening the Engineering Construction Project in Shanxi Province 2022", from four from four. 12 specific work measures have been formulated.

The first is to comprehensively implement online approval of the entire process of engineering construction projects. Complete the complete integration of the relevant system for the approval of the project construction project, build the province's integrated investment project approval management system, and incorporate all approval services and all processing links involved in the entire process of engineering construction projects. "One Netcom Office" for engineering construction projects. At the same time, continuously improve the approval system function, continuously expand the application scenarios of the system, improve the convenience of online approval, and improve the efficiency of project approval.

The second is to continue to optimize the approval process of project construction projects. Comprehensively implement the classification management of engineering construction projects, in accordance with industry categories, investment attributes, scale, etc., refine project classification, clarify the approval process, and accurately implement reform measures to achieve refined and differentiated management of engineering construction projects. Comprehensively implement the reform of the "landing" of housing construction and municipal engineering construction projects, and promote the implementation of construction permits, optimizing project planning procedures, and joint acceptance through stages to promote the realization of house construction and municipal engineering construction projects. "". At present, it is drafting the province's promotion guidance. Promote the reform of simple and low -risk engineering construction projects in social investment, and compress the entire process approval to 2 stages and 24 working days. At present, the guidance of optimizing the approval service of simple low -risk engineering construction projects in social investment is undergoing the signing procedures, and it is planned to implement the province in the near future. Optimize the approval of transportation, water conservancy, and energy projects, and further refine the classification of projects in accordance with the project type, investment attributes, scale, etc., and formulate the approval process to classify the approval process. At present, the opinions of various cities and provinces have been solicited, and they are being revised and improved in combination with feedback. The third is to deepen the reform of the key links of engineering construction projects. On the basis of the experience and practices of advanced regions, the key link reforms of engineering construction projects continue to promote. Through the reform of the initial planning of the project, comprehensively enhancing the coverage of regional evaluation, promoting the reform of the "multi -test -in -one" reform, and strengthening the completion of the project completion and acceptance, the reform is continuously promoted to the reform. At present, the guidance of promoting the "multi -test -in -one" reform is under the signing process, and the joint acceptance management measures are soliciting opinions, and other relevant measures are being drafted in the process of drafting.

The fourth is to comprehensively optimize municipal access engineering services. Relying on provincial integrated investment project approval management systems, "one -stop" processing, implement "three zeros" services such as water supply drainage, gas supply, heating, power supply and other small municipal access projects, comprehensively standardize municipal public service newspapers and access access, further further, further further standardize, and further further regulate the installation and access of municipal public services. Optimize our province's business environment. At present, the research and discussions of municipal public service enterprises have been completed, and the relevant measures are being drafted.

On May 19, the province held the province's reform of the reform of the project construction project for the construction project of the province. Vice Governor Tang Zhiping attended the meeting and made an important speech. At present, various tasks are advancing in an orderly manner according to the meeting arrangement. In the next step, the Provincial Department of Housing and Construction will effectively play the role of leading departments, further increase work efforts, adhere to overall planning, strengthen departmental coordination, accelerate the implementation of various reform tasks, and promote the business environment of our province to a new level. thanks.

Shanxi Farmers Daily Reporter:

The "Action Plan" clearly depicts the development blueprint for the innovation of business environment innovation in the "14th Five -Year Plan" period. How will we promote and ensure that this series of strategic goals will be achieved as scheduled?

Deputy Director of the Provincial Examination and Approval Service Administration

Jianlin, a spokesman:

Thanks to the reporter for asking. Policies and measures have been introduced, and the key is to implement them. This requires strong support and extensive participation of various market entities. It also needs to take the responsibilities and deepen reform and innovation with sincerity and real merits at all levels. We must give full play to the functional role of optimizing the business environment at all levels to promote the multiplication of market players, coordinate and coordinate, and increase our efforts. We must promote the actual effect of the "Action Plan". We must focus on five aspects:

The first is the improvement of the mechanism. Unify the improvement of the business environment innovation and improvement action with the implementation of the market entity, make full use of the advantages of work, guidance, supervision, and conduction, etc., make good use of list management, regular scheduling, work notice, supervision and supervision, accountability and assessment of responsibilities and assessment Stimulate the "six work mechanisms", realize the vertical and horizontal linkage of provinces, cities, and counties, and form a work pattern of "one game of chess" by gathered up and down, and we will focus on the aggregate of business environment innovation and improvement.

The second is to grasp coordination and supervision. Supervise the lead units and responsible departments to simultaneously monitoring, ledger, projectization, and implementation plans to form a list of tasks that work hard, the results of the results, and the market experience. Specific implementation measures, completion time and responsible departments, and responsible persons. Adhere to the linked chart operations, the promotion of the form, and one by one, and carry out the policy implementation evaluation on a regular basis, and compress the responsibilities of all parties.

The third is to grasp publicity and training. Carry out in -depth and training and training of all -round, multi -level, three -dimensional, three -dimensional, and three -dimensional policies, organize the integration of policies such as "one picture" and "pocket book" in the regional industry, and continue to promote policies to enter enterprises, schools, communities and other activities, and expand " New media such as network micro -screen end "is normalized. Summarize the formation of a group of institutional innovation results that can be replicated, easy to promote, and visible. A batch of advanced models are tapped and selected by selecting and selected trees to promote the continuous optimization of the business environment with points.

The fourth is to grasp the difficulty of relief. The voice of an enterprise is the voice of the market, and we must respond to the voice of the company. Combining the business environment innovation and improvement action with the actual difficulties of the market entity, in -depth service to enter the enterprise, and actively ask the market entities to ask the needs, difficulty, asking, and effectiveness, and to help market entities solve problems. It is necessary to establish a sound mechanism for reporting and reporting and acceptance of market entities, unblocking the government affairs service network column, "12345" hotline specialty, and special windows such as the government affairs hall. Essence

The fifth is to grasp the assessment and evaluation.The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have determined that the optimization of the business environment has been incorporated into the annual target responsibility assessment of the cities and provincial departments."Commercial Environmental Work Evaluation Plan" will carry out the action of innovation and improvement of the business environment as an important part of the assessment.At the end of the year, the implementation of the list of 119 reforms should be evaluated one by one.We will adhere to the actual experience of the market body as the direction, and make good use of the "command stick" to force the departments and departments at all levels to launch more realistic tricks to promote reform measures.thanks.Jia Wenhui, a second -level inspector of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee:

Thank you very much for the Provincial Examination and Approval Service Administration, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Justice, the Provincial Department of Housing and Construction, the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, and the Provincial Taxation Bureau.Our strong support.

Today's press conference is over.thank you all!

Photography 丨 He Guanghui

Edit 丨 Feng Yuxian

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