Heze: This year's wheat is expected to get a bumper harvest again

Author:Heze Daily Time:2022.06.08

On June 7, Liu Huaiguo, a member of the Party Group of the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau and a third -level investigator, led the relevant departments to the \"government service hotline\", answered the call of the masses on the spot, and answered the questions raised by the masses.

Last year, the city's total grain production ranked 2nd place

Liu Huaiguo introduced in the \"government service hotline\" in 2021. In 2021, the city's agricultural and rural system system It has overcomes the most serious wheat rust and breaks through the historical extreme values \u200b\u200bfor more than 30 years. The annual grain production ranks second in history. Strong support.

It is understood that in 2021, wheat rust in our city was significantly earlier and more important than perennial year. It was the heaviest year since the outbreak of 1990. Essence Our city overcomes heavy difficulties. Summer grain has achieved the area, production, and total production of \"three increases\", harvesting 9.2257 million mu of wheat area, with a total production of 4.0702 million tons, and 441.18 kg/mu. The annual grain planting area is 17.8361 million mu, with a total output of 7.877 million tons, and the production is 441.63 kg/mu. The total production ranks second in history and accounts for 1/7 of the province. Since the beginning of this year, the city's summer grain planting area is 9.2438 million mu. At present, wheat machinery harvest has gradually opened up, and it is expected to have a good harvest again.

Crops such as wheat, corn and other crops only need to bear 20%of the premium

Farmers are most concerned about agricultural insurance policies. At present, the city's planting industry insurance species are wheat, corn, cotton, peanuts, rice, soybean ordinary crops and three major grain crops.

According to reports, wheat, corn and other crops participating in the insurance farmers bear 20%of the premiums, 75%of the central and provincial financial subsidies, and 5%of the municipal finance. Cotton, peanuts, soybeans and other participating farmers bear 20%of the premiums, 70%of the central and provincial financial subsidies, and 5%of cities and counties.

The specific premiums and insurance amount of ordinary insurance are: wheat premiums 20 yuan/mu, insurance amount 500 yuan/mu (4 yuan farmer); corn premium 20 yuan/mu, insurance amount 450 yuan/mu (farmer 4 4 4) Yuan); cotton premiums 30 yuan/mu, insurance amount 500 yuan/mu (6 yuan farmer); peanut premiums 24 yuan/mu, insurance amount 600 yuan/mu (farmer 4.8 yuan); rice premiums 30 yuan/mu, insurance amount amount, insurance amount amount 650 yuan/mu (farmer 6 yuan); soybean premiums are 12.5 yuan/mu, the insurance amount is 230 yuan/mu (2.5 yuan farmer). In addition, according to the requirements of the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department, starting from January 1, 2022, the city's full cost insurance for three major grain crops in nine large food production counties, the specific cost insurance specific premiums and insurance amounts are: 34 yuan of wheat premiums/ Acu (Mudan District, Cao County, Chengwu County, Shanxian, Juye County, Tancheng County, Tancheng County, Dongming County),The premium is 36 yuan/mu (Dingtao District), and the insurance amount is 950 yuan/mu (6.8, 7.2 yuan).Rice premiums are 50 yuan/mu, and the insurance amount is 1150 yuan/mu (10 yuan farmer).Corn premium 40 yuan/mu (Juye County), premium 42 yuan/mu (single county, Chengwu County), premium 44 yuan/mu (Caoxian, Tancheng County), insurance amount 950 yuan/mu (farmer 8, 8.4 8.4, 8.8 yuan).

The period of crop insurance liability is subject to the period signed by the insurance contract.The insurance liability of various crops refers to the irresistible natural disasters, and the loss rate reaches a certain percentage. Each crop insurance liability and liability are exempted from the insurance terms.After the disaster, the insurer should notify the village committee in time, and the village committee shall notify the insurance company within 24 hours, and use the village to provide insurance companies with the insurance company, the village committee's certification, and the losses of affected losses.

Heze Newspaper All -Media Reporter Min Jing

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