Central South Construction: Reasonable performance deviations Freshly compliant internal controls that there are no major defects

Author:Capital state Time:2022.07.26

In the first half of 2022, due to the market environment and the impact of the domestic environment, many listed companies were affected by varying degrees. As of July 22, a total of 1,726 companies issued the first half of the performance forecast, of which the performance preheated and the pre -loss company reached 1010. The real estate industry has been impacted more obvious. According to data from institutions, 79 listed real estate companies in A shares have released the 2022 interim report, of which the performance declined by more than 70 %.

In this context, listed companies have also attracted more attention and inquiries of investors than in the past. At the same time, some organizations that use market fluctuations and investors' emotions have quietly appeared.

Professional claims may be a new channel for income from law firm

Recently, some listed companies have emerged endlessly due to their pre -losses. According to preliminary statistics, more than 30 A -share listed companies have encountered professional team claims in the past week. Among them, there are many popular stocks such as Zhonggong Education, Beijing Culture, and Zhongnan Construction.

According to an announcement of a claim lawyer team, the team has represented investors' claims for more than 100 listed companies claims. The basis for the prosecution is mainly based on the latest judicial interpretation of the Securities Law and false statements. Damaged, damaged investors can sue claims according to law, and the scope of claims includes: investment difference, commission, stamp duty loss.

In terms of interest division, the team of claiming lawyers will pay investor fees, travel expenses, and litigation expenses for investors. After receiving compensation for listed companies, investors will pay a certain percentage of a certain percentage of actual compensation.

However, from the market feedback, such professional claims have rarely responded, and the chance of success is small. For claims on the right of violations of laws and regulations, most of them are over -interpreting relevant regulations and exaggerating the impact of normal regulatory behaviors. It has suspicion of market suspicion and cannot be generalized.

Be wary of the false statement of securities

Securities false statements mainly include false records, misleading statements, and major omissions. There are two key points to measure whether there is a false statement of securities. One is to see if it is suspected of concealing misleading, and the other is whether it has caused severe fluctuations in the market and caused a large loss to investors.

If compared to the current professional claim team's claims for most listed companies, it is obviously not far from the standard of securities false statements. Taking Central South Construction as an example, the company has recently received a warning letter from the relevant departments due to the annual performance forecast and the actual performance of the actual performance. At the same time, it has also been followed by many occupational claim law firms.

In fact, when Zhongnan Construction responded to the inquiry letter of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange before, it had explained the deviation of the performance forecast. The company failed to master the 2021 performance and performance trailer as soon as possible. It was mainly due to the further profound changes in the market after January 29, 2022. At the same time, due to the influence of data acquisition and information communication of the environment, the company's discussion. This understanding is not enough, insufficient preparation, and information acquisition is lagging. After the company found the relevant situation, it organized the review as soon as possible and disclosed. The company's internal control in financial management and information disclosure management does not have major defects.

Relevant data show that from January to June 2022, the sales area of ​​commercial housing nationwide was 690 million square meters, a year-on-year decrease of 22.2%; the national commercial housing sales amount was 660 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 28.9%. The fierce changes in the external market have also led to a large deviation of the general performance forecast in the real estate industry. In this objective environment, it is also difficult to attribute to the company.

In addition, from the perspective of the influence, the company's annual performance disclosure has little impact on the actual stock price. Its announcement on April 25 the day before the report of 2021 Report was 3.98 yuan/share on April 25th, and the performance information was disclosed again. On April 29th, the stock closed price of 3.95 yuan/share, the change was only 0.8%.

Coincidentally. In the near future, the gold ham, which has not been disclosed in time due to the major losses of futures transactions and a large amount of compensation, has also recently been harassed by the professional claim team. The company said in a reply letter that on September 27, 2021, the futures traders reported to the company's unauthorized situation of selling without authorization. The company did not know before. Therefore, this is not the subjective intentional intention of gold ham. After learning about the relevant situation at the first time, the trader was required to bear all the losses, otherwise he would be held accountable. On September 30, 2021, the company recovered the losses in full, and there was no major defect in the company's internal control.

Industry insiders pointed out that the use of new regulatory provisions to touch porcelain listed companies is a risk -free arbitrage, and the sky -high network model, in most cases, also endlessly; It may induce new interest chains.

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