The Zhenjiang Agricultural and Rural Bureau issued a mobilization order -to help stabilize the "three rural areas and farmers" basic market

Author:Su Zongli Time:2022.07.26

(Zhang Pengyun Lingzhi) "The whole system should do a good job of policy services for various types of agricultural -related entities. Taking the" Four Actions' and 'Warm Enterprises' Save Visits "as the starting point, we must continue to do it. Thousands of work, do everything possible to protect the main body of agriculture. "On July 25, the special review and implementation of the" Four major actions "," helping warmth to help farmers help farmers help farmers help farmers at the "Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Zhenjiang At the "mobilization and deployment meeting of revitalization, Jiang Yong, the director of the Municipal Party Committee and the Party Secretary of the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau, mobilized.

On the one hand, this meeting was made in advance to welcome the special evaluation of the Municipal People's Congress's "Stable Economic House", and on the other hand, the implementation of the "four major actions" of the city's agricultural and rural systems in the city Once a big mobilization. At the meeting, Xu Hong, a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau, and Lu Jiansheng, the chief agricultural artist of the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau, deployed the special evaluation of the Municipal People's Congress's "Stable Economic House" and "Assisting warmth to help agriculture to promote the revitalization of revitalization". Work and "four major actions" (that is, "big learning, big research, big service, big improvement" operation).

Jiang Yong, director of the Agricultural Office of Zhenjiang Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau, said in his speech that in the first half of this year, the city's economic pressure moved forward, and the overall remained in a reasonable range, showing the acceleration repair, and returning to a good trend. However, it should also be soberly realized that problems such as insufficient confidence and decline in consumption are still severe, and the economic trend is still unclear. The pressure of "six stability" and "six guarantees" is still huge.

Jiang Yong emphasized that it is necessary to find the weakness of "stable" and persist in the right. It is necessary to extend the agricultural industry chain and enhance the product value chain, promote the aggregation, integration, and integration of resources and elements, and allow farmers to share the value -added benefits of the development of the second and third industries. At the same time, it is necessary to open up and dredge breakpoints around key industrial chains and major investment projects to form more physical workloads.

At the meeting, Zhenjiang Agricultural and Rural Bureau Policy and Reform Division, the Party Committee of the organs, and the Rural Industry and Information Division revolved around the "how to fall into the main body of agriculture involved in the agriculture", "the four major actions'", "service -related agricultural main body, and the main body of agriculture. "Visiting" made a speech. (Source: Zhenjiang Agricultural and Rural Bureau)

Editor in charge: Shen Qin

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