Small and medium -sized enterprises urgently need a simplified military administration

Author:Huashang Tao Lue Time:2022.07.25

There is no difficulty work, only the appropriate method.

Author | Liu Baiyi

Luo Yonghao started a business again.

In a live broadcast recently, Luo Yonghao revealed his new entrepreneurial project -setting up a new company in the AR field. He expects this new company named "Thin Red Line" to participate in the scientific and technological revolution at the platform level.

For this new project, Luo Yonghao also set up a FLAG -Apple is getting slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly, which is TRL.

This goal is magnificent, but the magnificent goal also needs to be implemented as a step -by -step specific operation. And no matter what field, entrepreneurs need to face two questions: where do people come from, how do they care?

This time, Luo Yonghao's choice was to open the company on the flying book.

[Will small companies get a big company? .

Luo Yonghao hit a chance.

After becoming a weighing business of byte beating, the actions of Feishu in the market became faster and faster. One of its latest actions is to announce a small and medium -sized enterprise support plan called "Leading".

The so -called receiving plan is aimed at small companies with less than 100 people in China. They can not only use the standard version of Flying Book 0ffice for free, get 100 flying books OKR accounts for free, and unlock a series of organizational management functions for free.

This gives entrepreneurs Luo Yonghao a new possibility: using a tool and its connotation to solve various problems that startups may encounter from the source.

Even a small company is also facing the same difficulties as large companies, such as recruitment.

Regardless of the size of the company and people's decisions, it is the support of the specific business. A entrepreneur can spend time to choose a partner, recruit business backbones, and build a core team. But he could not recruit one or two hundred people to the company himself.

Similarly, after the two hundred people enter the company, if they report them to a person, it also means invalid management. When the size of the company continues to grow, how to continue to discover excellent talents, or to allow them to be discovered, is a test of entrepreneurs.

In those large -scale companies, once such issues appear, managers will become the slaves of recruitment, and the CEO is forced to become chief manpower officer, even a front -line HR.

But the problem is far more than that.

As a new retail brand that focuses on furniture design, Cabana has gone through the initial initial period that has been recognized and accepted by products and services, and won an industry award. But to face a problem in an organization: how should those outstanding employees motivate and those potential employees should cultivate?

In addition to the talent growth system, Cabana also has its own unique problem: its business, with multiple complicated links such as procurement, contracts, logistics, and coordinated teams in the team in different places, and a large number of trivial information needs to be passed on. Old employees are still familiar with the door, and new employees will inevitably be blind, and it takes a lot of time to explore and learn.

This waste of efficiency constitutes another challenge to countless Cabana type companies. However, such problems, in fact, also exist in those big companies that have passed the initial period, and even when they reach the volume of thousands of people, they still need to reorganize the business process and talent system.

In those new fields of startups, new businesses allow them to find business blue oceans, but they cannot let them avoid management problems.

As a Chinese new business knowledge service provider with a valuation of over 100 million, noteors must provide high -quality business knowledge for 1.5 million+users. But in its massive commercial dry goods, it is difficult to find the answer to solving your own problems.

The meeting is the most important organizational behavior in human history. It can achieve consensus, resolve differences, and achieve the ups and downs and affection. But it also has a problem: occupation time. Once the traditional meeting form is frequent, it will collide with the business, affecting the actual output efficiency of employees.

Once a company steps into a hundred people, the team and department will inevitably appear. Different business teams need to cooperate with each other. But the traditional way is to rely on the face -to -face communication of "one mouth, a pair of legs". If you want to improve, you need to call everyone to organize a meeting. In this way, the death cycle of Wenshan Huihai fell.

In the glory of those foreign companies, how to make collaboration efficiently and reduce the meeting is not only a problem that plagues the boss of all BUs, but also the distress that front -line employees want to get rid of.

"The Story of the Wonder", "The Summer of the Band", "The Drama Competition" ... These variety shows are successful, but Mi Wei Media to create them needs to face some creative problems.

Due to the particularity of the industry, the accumulation of core customer resources is very important for Miwei Media.

However, the business resources of the entire department have no unified integration, and the risk of loss of customer resources is extremely great. At the same time, because there is no consensus in the early stage of sales, the situation of multiple sales at the same time connects to the same customer at the same time, which not only affects the efficiency, but also causes customers to lose its favor. This kind of business management problem once became the most headache for CEO Ma Dong.

Similarly, in those channels throughout the country, products cover large -scale enterprises in various provinces, the sales difficulties of "grab orders", "channeling", "price depression", and "multi -connection" between channels have also been the most energy -consuming person to spend the most energy. In many cases, a manager who lives in the VP layer even needs to end the controversy of a customer and a contract in person.

These problems that occurred on large companies, but happened on the heads of small and medium -sized enterprises. So that many bosses scratched their heads: My company was obviously a hundred people, why did they get a big company? [Full of receipt in the order, you may not be convinced of the soil and water]

The boss of the start -up SME is actually the most interesting role.

Because the company's business is concentrated, flat -level, and small number of people, he often needs to bow to enter the game to face various first -line business problems. So in fact, he is often the company's largest Sales, the largest product manager, the largest HR, and the biggest administration.

Therefore, when the management problem comes, he will also become the biggest consulting experts, face it in person, learn in person, and try to solve it himself.

The solution is also very different.

Relying on his own management experience, reading Peter Drucker's works, participating in various management courses, learning classic management methods, trying to get scriptures in the boss circle ... and even introduce management consulting companies.

After such learning, bosses often understand that those problems that are obviously only a large company occur, but they actually happen to the heads of small and medium -sized enterprises. The reason is not complicated:

The company's organizations, all kinds of problems caused by human nature, will occur. In many cases, it is not related to the size of the organization.

Whether it is the owner of a startup enterprise or those employees, they will understand the fact that the company has similar management concepts regardless of the size. Therefore, in their companies, managers are at the top and form a pyramid -shaped management network step by step, which is basically standard configuration.

Although this configuration can ensure the efficient implementation of standardized, it also greatly weakens the personality and initiative in the team organization. In the end, the lack of correlation tasks between employees and the promotion of tasks, making it difficult for managers to unify the overall situation and lowered the efficiency of the project process.

At the same time, the pyramid model often has a characteristic -the highest manager's personal ability is extremely strong, but the team's ability is attenuated with the level.

In China, no matter how big the company is, it also follows a principle -superior leaders and subordinates. In principle, the superiors of the superiors have decision -making power on the work of the subordinates, which can overthrow all the decisions of the subordinates. However, it is impossible for managers to master and deal with all information, so specific affairs actually need to be handled by the lower level. Even if superiors want to intervene, they often have to rely on information provided by subordinates.

Even in small companies, this information is often complex and changeable, blurred. It requires the actual power and responsibility of human management. Even with detailed rules and regulations and processes, personal decisions cannot be replaced.

Therefore, whether it is talent recruitment, business management, or employee assessment, in fact, they all face this common problem: solve information advantages and information quality.

This is often a ready -made classic management method and the existing management courses cannot be done; although Peter Drucker's works are good, they stay more in thought rather than practical exercises; Often born of their own governance experience in the enterprise, the universality is limited; the difficulties of the consulting company are even more obvious. Under the premise of limited time, a realistic question is: they and the boss, who knows the company better.

When information leads to the limited field of vision of the highest manager, the team's ability and efficiency attenuation, the obstacles of collaboration, the structure of the structure to weaken the personality and energy, the entire management will fall into the embarrassing situation of "people's disappearance".

What is even more embarrassing is that if you want to save trouble, and copy the existing "Golden Science Jade Law" blindly, it is likely that the bosses who take the textbooks, courses, other people's experience and consultation plan will often learn One word: dissatisfaction with soil and water.

[Modeling tools, endless management ideas]

When the bosses were trying to introduce these methods, they actually did one thing, but also made a mistake.

The place where the bosses are right are to see the direction -even a small company, it needs a "fine military" that improves efficiency and solve problems.

All bosses who realize this can get 80 points in the evaluation of the manager. But the mistake they made made them lose the last 20 points.

But these twenties are not additional questions, it is 20 points to determine the company's life and death.

These copied organizational management methods often determine ideas, then determine the system, and then design the process. Finally, they write them into rules, business operating manuals and company OA systems.

But this approach ignores one thing: What tools are used to carry it?

And this is the biggest difference between flying books.

It provides tools, methods and comprehensive information, but does not interfere with decision -making. Its main task is to comprehensively display information, shorten the chain of information circulation, so that better people can be seen, so that more accurate information can be presented, and then promote better decisions, but never enter the company in the enterprise. Let's have a big turn.

If there is no excellent and applicable talent management tool, obviously, the talent management movement of the "military regiment fights" will not be able to talk about it.

Now, under the "Leading Plan", a management tool that "passes the lights with one light to the lanterns in one light" has begun.

Zhang Peng, the founder of Geek Park, gave an evaluation of "the integration of Flying Books".

Such an evaluation comes from the "coolness" when the employees of Geek Park work.

Due to the integration of the flying book function, employees no longer need multiple software switching back and forth. At the same time, these functions can be referenced in the flying books. In the past, the content of multi -platform communication was needed. Now only one@以 in the flying book document is enough to satisfy. After seeing the employees of@, there is no need to reply. It can be said that Feishu eliminates a lot of meaningless additional actions, and information circulation is more convenient. Hurricane the film and television is due to the integration of flying books, which has compressed the project output cycle from 35-40 to the fastest 5 days. At the same time, because there is no need to buy a variety of office software, it saves a lot of unnecessary costs.

Laughing Guogu Culture, a domestic talk show, is also the beneficiary of the flying book.

Content workers often work on inspiration. Each of the creators of laughing fruit culture is different: there may be 10 o'clock to create, and some are created at 2 pm, and some are created at 2 o'clock in the night.

Therefore, Xiaoguo Culture urgently needs a meeting and communication method that can be restricted by time and space restrictions.

Swordsman culture finally solved this problem through the flying book. For example, Li Xuan sent a document of 30,000 words to the flying book work group. After that, all the creators will read it. After reading it, there are evaluations. Also online communication and post -stickers.

In the ideal car company, the advantage of Feishu has broken through the expectations of the founder Li Xiang.

In just two months, after the entire company moved into the flying book, Li wanted to find that the application of OKR not only continued to increase the setting of the set quarterly sales, but also reached 99%. What value and bring a sense of accomplishment to employees.

After that, the application of Feishu seemed to bring some inertia to the company.

The sense of accomplishment of employees has driven enthusiasm and creativity has improved. At the strategic meeting, the departments often actively conducted a second communication, and the re -inventory became more active. Even the chief financial officer was happy to participate in the discussion of the autonomous driving department, and the walls between the departments were completely broken.

Since then, the ideal colleagues have moved large and small affairs to the flying books. Even if they are just charging piles to help each other and help stray dogs, everyone is more accustomed to handling solutions in the flying books.

In the large and small affairs that these colleagues are keen on, colleagues are more willing to actively optimize the way of collaboration and management, and then affect the company's management system.

For the pain points and solutions such as such, Feishi really helped small and medium -sized enterprises to "drive the company on the flying book."

Once, small and medium -sized enterprises often rely on the resources accumulated by the boss in their early years, which is enough to make a company with dozens or even hundreds of people eat and drink. Therefore, small and medium -sized enterprises are affected by inertia, and they pay more attention to the mining of new businesses and new resources, but forget to forget that Another important factor -the company's operating efficiency.

Judging from a wider viewing corner, a relatively mature market, the business between competitive companies is almost the same. At this time, the company's own operation is compared. In this case, the company's own operational efficiency has become the most future in the future. Important competitiveness.

If you want to obtain a good enough operation efficiency, the company must break the fog between the upper and lower, so that the information and data of the company can be more convenient and effective in the company in the company.

In the wave of digitalization, the information reconstructs the production method of the machine, so that digitalization and informatization can empower hundreds of industries, and the manufacturing method has evolved from the past large industrial production to the industrial 4.0 stage.

Similarly, the application of advanced tools can naturally improve the management efficiency of enterprises' human system.

But more importantly than this, this method of relying on digital tools for management practice. Once a positive cycle is formed, its effect will be reflected in the change of "excellence" -managers at all levels within the enterprise are finally raised to support The management habits of "decision -making based on high -quality information", thus entering the positive cycle of revitalizing human wealth and making people's continuous stronger factors.

China's modern business has gone through the first two stages of domestic market demand dividends and low -end labor dividends. Now, it ushered in a new stage of "higher education dividends". A large number of talents who have received higher education have gathered in modern enterprises. The use of these human wealth and value -added will be the most important source of dividends in the future of Chinese companies.

On the other hand, the management of modern enterprises is highly informatized and digitized. One mobile phone and one computer can complete the collaboration that rely on people to communicate with people for a long time. This information terminal is closely combined with people to become synonymous with the productivity of the company, which also makes it possible to "drive the company on the flying book".

In these two backgrounds, any excellent organization needs to rely on digital advanced management tools to maximize the stimulation of individuals who have received higher education, allowing their creativity and knowledge to play, and make the enterprise efficiency higher There are fewer redundant and black holes.

Compared to the city in business performance, this is probably the value that is really ignored.

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Welcome to pay attention to [Huashang Tao strategies], know the characters of the wind, and read the legend of Tao Tao.

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