This year, Shandong summer grains will be harvested again, and it is expected that the concentrated acquisition volume is 20 billion kg

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.06.15

New Yellow River Reporter: Huang Min

Kuraki, the world. On the morning of June 14th, the News Office of the Shandong Provincial People's Government held a press conference to introduce the collection and storage of summer grain to ensure the safety of food. New Yellow River reporter was informed that during the concentrated acquisition of the summer grain this year, the purchase volume was about 20 billion kilograms, which is equivalent to all years. The situation of wheat production in Shandong Province has not changed, and the consumption of rations is definitely guaranteed. From the current price, the average price of wheat is 1.55 yuan/jin, and the possibility of starting the bottom -up acquisition.

The concentrated acquisition volume is about 20 billion kg, and the rations are definitely guaranteed

Right now, the harvest of Shandong Xialiang is fully launched from south to north, from west to east, and the main ration varieties of Shandong residents have been listed on the market.

At the press conference, Liu Ping, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Food and Material Reserve of Shandong Province, said that according to the survey statistics of the summer grain property purchase, the acquisition volume of about 20 billion kg during the centralized acquisition of summer food this year was equivalent to all years. The stable price lays a solid foundation.

Lu Bo, general agent at the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, said that the harvest of summer grain is the first battle of food production throughout the year. It is an important guarantee to organize the harvest of wheat mechanization. In order to ensure that summer grain has received the hand, the agricultural and rural departments at all levels organize 190,000 rice and wheat combined harvesters. 280,000 agricultural machinery technicians and agricultural machinery players participate in the "Sanxia" battle. The wheat harvested in a timely manner, and the granules are returned.

The province has formed 1312 agricultural machinery emergency grabbing teams to deal with special conditions such as bad weather, restless people, raids and harvested, realized Longkou to seize food, and ensure that the grain is harvested and harvested.

With the successive listing of Xinmai, the Shandong Grain and Reserve System is carrying out the acquisition of new grain in order to be solid and orderly. From the data, from June 1st to 10th, Shandong has acquired 555,000 tons of new wheat, which is 267,000 tons more than the same period last year. About tons, equivalent to perennial year.

According to survey statistics from wheat production, the per capita ration consumption of residents in Shandong Province does not exceed 0.7 catties/day (finished grain), which is equivalent to about 360 catties of raw grains each year. of.

Lu Ming, director of the Food Reserve Office of the Provincial Grain and Reserve, said that Shandong Province is a large wheat production province, and wheat output ranks second in the country. Judging from the preliminary purchase and purchase storage survey and comprehensive analysis, this year's summer food in our province has been harvested, and the total output will be at a high level of history.

The results of the county prize are 15 million, and the scale of agricultural credit guarantee is the first in the country

Xia Gan's high yield and harvest is inseparable from the strong support of finance.

New Yellow River reporter was informed that in supporting the harvest of grain production, Shandong supported the improvement of the comprehensive capacity of grain production. Vigorously support the construction of high -standard farmland, increase the financial subsidy standards for high -standard farmland construction from 1500 yuan per mu to 1950 yuan per mu, support the construction of 6.65 million mu of high -standard farmland, and the province has established a total of 67.78 million mu of high -standard farmland. The implementation of provincial incentives for cultivated land protection, rewarding 15 million yuan per county with outstanding results in 20 counties, and guiding the local area to strictly adhere to the red line of cultivated land.

Shandong supports disaster prevention and disaster mitigation. Implementing 807 million yuan to support the implementation of "one spray and three defenses", help strengthen the management of wheat fields, and promote the harvest of summer food.

Shandong also improves the agricultural credit guarantee system. At present, 121,000 projects are guaranteed, and the scale of the insurance business is 64.56 billion yuan, ranking first in the country.

Prepare 22.3 billion kg of warehouse capacity, and can issue more than 5 billion credit loans

After the harvest of summer grains, the granular warehouse is also critical. New Yellow River reporter was informed that Shandong insisted on guiding multiple collection and storage to ensure that "some people collect grains, have money to collect food, and have positions."

Shandong grasp the cultivation of the main body of grain circulation to ensure that someone collects food. At present, Shandong Province is included in 2206 grain circulation enterprises above designated size in Shandong Province, with an annual purchase of more than 76 billion kg of grain from producers.

At the same time, Shandong strengthened the support of acquisition funds to ensure that we had money to collect food, and provided a strong guarantee for the "grain, money to hand" for farmers selling food. This year, the agricultural distribution system at all levels in Shandong Province is preparing to acquire 30 billion yuan. Shandong Province's grain acquisition loan credit guarantee fund has started operation. 58 households and provincial finances have invested 190 million yuan, which can provide a credit loan amount of about 2 billion yuan. At present, Shandong Province has actively promoted the establishment of a three -level grain acquisition loan credit guarantee fund system for provinces, municipalities, and counties. The total scale is more than 500 million yuan. Enterprise financing is difficult and expensive.

Shandong strengthened the construction of warehousing infrastructure to ensure that there are food collection. At present, Shandong Province has a total of 85.88 billion pounds of comprehensive positions, and is ready to acquire 22.3 billion kg of warehouse capacity, which can fully meet the needs of food collection and storage.

The average price of wheat is 1.55 yuan/jin, and the possibility of starting the bottom -up acquisition is not high

The price of food is stable. According to reports, Shandong strictly implemented the grain acquisition policy. The minimum purchase price of wheat this year was 1.15 yuan/catties (three waiting), an increase of 0.02 yuan/jin last year, and the implementation time was from June 1 to September 30, 2022. During the implementation period of the minimum purchase price policy, if the acquisition price of wheat market in a certain area in the province is lower than the minimum purchase price for 3 consecutive days, the purchase implementation plan will be launched to open the acquisition of farmers' food.

Liu Ping said that from the current situation, although the price of wheat is running at a high level and the possibility of starting the bottom -up acquisition is not much, they must also adhere to the bottom line of thinking, take precautions, take the initiative to take the initiative, and respond to changes in special circumstances in time. Essence According to the price monitoring on June 10, the average price of wheat acquisition in the province was 1.55 yuan/catties (about 0.30 yuan/catties year -on -year), and the price of different purchases between 1.52 yuan/jin — 1.58 yuan/jin The operating entity has produced strong psychological expectations, which affects food purchase and sales and circulation to a certain extent.

Through recent scheduling and analysis and judgment, Shandong summer grain has exceeded expectations, and the number, quality and price are "three highs". There is a certain degree of sale and sale of the main body of grain, hoping to sell a good price and get good benefits. All parties are prepared to acquire the main funds and capacity of the main body, and the desire to buy the market is strong. It is optimistic about the market outlook and collect more storage in order to obtain greater benefits.

Lu Ming suggested that various market entities should rationally carry out purchase and sales according to their own production and operation, grasp the acquisition time and rhythm, and analyze and judge multiple parties. And on the basis of leaving full and proper storage, the remaining part of the rest of the grain is sold in a timely manner to ensure realizing revenue, ensuring income, and avoiding pursuit of high gambling market outlook, causing unnecessary losses.

Edit: Weekend

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