Zhoukou Housing Provident Fund Center: Actively adjust the policy to help the property market healthy development

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.07.23

Zhoukou Daily · Zhou Dao client reporter Xu Qifeng

After Zhoukou issued the "Several Opinions on Making Steady and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market", Zhoukou Housing Provident Fund Center actively adjusted the housing provident fund policy in accordance with the actual situation of Zhoukou City. The series of measures to benefit enterprises and the people to help the real estate market healthy development.

Improve the maximum amount of housing provident fund loans. The maximum amount of personal housing loans of housing provident funds has been adjusted from 450,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan; high -level talents introduced by the municipal party committee and municipal government have a single housing provident fund loan of up to 600,000 yuan.

Relax the application conditions for housing provident fund loans. The housing provident fund is more than 6 months continuously, and the account status is normal, and you can apply for a provident fund loan. The normal identification conditions of the account status are also loose than before, and it is adjusted from not more than one month to be paid for not more than 2 months.

Staged non -loan repayment overdue records. Affected by the epidemic, infected with new crown pneumonia hospitalization or isolation personnel, the epidemic prevention and control requires isolation observer, first -tier staff participating in the epidemic prevention and control, and people who have temporarily lost their income sources when they are affected by the epidemic. Overdue processing, the credit reporting department is not used as overdue records. This preferential policy is deadline on December 31, 2022.

Relax the application conditions for real estate real estate real estate. The development of the development enterprise real estate filing is adjusted from the original "project progress to 2/3 of the planning height" to "1/2 of the project progress reaches the height of planning"; /3 ".

Adjust the development of the developer's building. The application method of real estate filing is adopted by all the municipal housing provident fund loan supervision and review meetings at the time of the original application for filing. From approval to filing, the project has reduced the project to reduce a large number of administrative procedures and reflects the humanization of policies.

According to Liu Guang, the head of the Credit Science Section of Zhoukou Housing Provident Fund Center, in April and May this year, due to the impact of the epidemic and real estate market environment, Zhoukou's housing provident fund loans have decreased significantly year -on -year, only 150, 153, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, and 6 The monthly return to normal state, reaching 319, and 94 in July. "From the perspective of the number of application for the provident fund loan, the downward situation of the real estate market in our city has been effectively improved, but whether the market has recovered, and more data will be verified in the future." Liu Guang is more cautious about market prospects.

Judging from the current situation, the provident fund loan has a lot of room for improvement in the promotion of real estate in our city. Zhoukou's housing provident fund deposits have a lower coverage, and the large population of tens of millions of people has 361,400 people. The proportion of loans to the use of provident fund loans is also low, accounting for only about 10% of the city's real estate transaction volume. Zhoukou Housing Provident Fund Center has recently carried out the promotion of provident fund policies in citizens' homes, some communities, enterprises, and multiple well -known real estate in various counties (cities, districts). Actively participate in the payment and use of the provident fund, and enjoy the provident fund to benefit the people's dividends as soon as possible. "Only by continuously realizing the" expansion "of the housing provident fund and allowing more new citizens to participate can we better make greater contributions to the stable development of real estate." Liu Guang said.

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