Yunnan has harvested 14.86 million acres of summer grains increased by 160,000 acres year -on -year

Author:Yunnan Net Time:2022.06.15

Spring battle day, summer competition. Right now, the production of "Sanxia" has entered the end, and farmers around Yunling have also entered the busiest season of the year. The planting wheat, rapeseed, etc. need to return to the warehouse; plant rice and corn, and provide fertilizer such as green fertilizer and hair fertilizer for planting crops, which helps increase yield. In the key peasant season, our province has grasped the work of the summer and summer management of the summer, and then seized the harvest of summer grain to ensure that the granules are returned to the warehouse, in order to consolidate the basis of food production throughout the year, maintain supply, stabilize expectations, and increase their confidence.

According to the Provincial Agricultural Swatch Weekly, as of June 10, the harvest of summer grains in our province has basically ended, and it has harvested 14.86 million acres of summer grains, an increase of 160,000 acres year -on -year.

Holding the pressure of Yunnan to carry the responsibility of carrying solid food production

Last year, the north was influenced by autumn floods. my country has 110 million acres of wheat evening planting, which has a greater impact on the production of food this year. For the country and Yunnan, the task of grain production in 2022 is heavier than in previous years.

In the face of stress, our province has determined the production target at the beginning of the year to ensure that the grain sowing area is more than 62.87 million mu and the output is more than 19.3 million tons.

In the face of food security issues this year, we truly achieve the same responsibility of party and government. At the beginning of the year, the area of ​​grain planting was implemented to specific towns, specific villages, specific subjects and specific fields. The Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department requires that the specific tasks must be inspected, and it must not be false.

At present, in addition to the good news of the well -harvesting bureau, as of June 10, the province has seedlings of 41.6908 million acres of autumn grains, a year -on -year increase of 2.328 million mu, accounting for 87.3%of the planned area of ​​47.77 million mu.

This year, our province has implemented 500,000 acres of corn -soybean band -shaped composite planting, 1.5 million mu of grain bean rotation, and 200,000 mu of grain and oil rotation to ensure that the sowing area of ​​soybeans and oil in 2022 reached more than 6.1 million mu. It is worth noting that although the soybean planting area of ​​our province this year is not large, this is the focus of the province's grain safety party and government responsibility assessment this year. Different from previous years, this year's province has also decomposed the expansion of the rice and soybeans to various places. The food safety party and government are responsible, and the assessment can be realized.

As of June 10, 500,000 acres of soybean corn bands were decomposed to 9 states (cities), 33 counties (cities, districts), and 1,694 administrative villages, and implemented 500,000 acres of land. The amount of soybeans requires 1.4802 million kilograms, and 1.4802 million kilograms are implemented. The seeding progress was 472,000 mu, accounting for 94.4%of the task.

As of June 10, the task of 50.12 million acres of hybrid rice drought was broken down to 11 states (cities), 59 counties (cities, districts), and 2,162 administrative villages, and the land was implemented by 50.12 million mu. The amount of rice requires 1.1739 million kilograms, and 1.1739 million kilograms are implemented. The sowing progress was 472,300 mu, accounting for 94.2%of the tasks.

Tibetan grain in the depth of technology to increase the production

At the end of May, the Green Organic Production Technology Test Project of the Erhai Lake Basin was officially launched at the Gunsheng Village Base of Dali Company, which is affiliated to Yunliang Group. Through this project, the basic information database of the production and quality of the production and quality of organic management is established. Increasing efficiency provides scientific solutions.

"Yunnan vigorously promotes the green development of agricultural agricultural, promotes the green transformation of agricultural agricultural, carried out research on green development of agricultural agricultural, and created a model of agricultural green development." At the project launching ceremony, Zhang Fu Suo, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Dean of the National Agricultural Green Development Research Institute of China Agricultural University, Academician said.

"In recent years, the production of food in our province has increased steadily, reaching 307 kg in 2021. However, compared with the national results, it is still 80 kg lower, which has a lot of room for improvement." The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department introduced.

This year, our province actively carried out joint correlations of good breeds, good skills, and good laws, and focused on improving the production and quality of grain. Strengthen social services such as farming, species, defense, and collection, and drive a large -scale balanced production in the province. This year, our province carried out a green high -quality and high -quality demonstration creation operation of grain production, and 100,000 acres of rice, corn, and potato demonstration bases were built.

Recently, in 2022, the province's hybrid rice demonstration drought project was completed in the family of Wulong Township, Shizong County, Qujing City, and built 200 acres of green high -quality and high -quality demonstration zone. According to the person in charge of the project, the main variety of the demonstration zone is "Dianhe Youyou 615", which integrates the promotion of the best planting method, the minimum medicinal fertilizer, the most provincial manual investment, and the maximum production benefits. More than 400 kg.

How to increase production capacity on the existing planting area, our province has deeply excavated production potential. In the past two years, our province has remarkable scientific research results in hybrid rice drought and perennial rice, especially hybrid rice drought techniques has matured. Last year, it was promoted to more than 200,000 acres. After eating the rice that I planted for the first time, it not only increased the income, but also the sense of happiness in my heart also increased significantly.

This year, our province continued to implement the actions of hybrid rice, and the promotion area expanded to 500,000 acres. According to the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department, the provincial level is well guaranteed, the land is implemented in various places, the technical guidance services are strengthened, the drought rice is planted, produced, and strives to open up a new way for the safety of grains in our province. The climate advantage of our province is obvious. Four seasons can be planted and can be collected. Eating corn and potatoes in winter and spring is another major feature of our province. It has deep potential in our province. One stubble is a stubble. Tibetan grain is consolidated in various parts of the land to consolidate the foundation of cultivated land

In the protection of cultivated land, this year's agricultural and rural departments in our province strive to do three urgent things.

First of all, the goal of 4.8 million mu of high -standard farmland construction is fully completed. This year, all parts of the province are based on the early work, and do a good job in designing, bidding and other preliminary work, and firmly grasp the initiative. Establish a prize -free and inferior mechanism, provincial -level states (cities) with high supporting funds and good indicator tasks give tilt support when allocating the next year's tasks, and notify states (cities) with poor work and poor indicator tasks. Interviews, and appropriately deduct the central and provincial construction subsidy funds.

Recently, the Wenshan Zhuang Miao Autonomous Prefecture Wenshan City Wenshan City Binglie Yi Township Ya Ke Gew Village High -standard farmland construction project was pulled, poured, and turtles ... Workers grasped the construction period and improved the construction of farmland infrastructure such as irrigation ditch, machinery and farming roads. Zhao Xiaowu, secretary and director of the Party Branch of Yoge Village, introduced that after the project is completed, it will be greatly facilitated to produce and live in the masses. "In the past, these fields were difficult to irrigate and had inconvenient traffic. After the project was completed, we did not have to worry about planting rice in the field." Looking at the shortcomings of agricultural infrastructure, the villager Yang extended confidence in future development. Essence

In addition to the Yayo Kochi area, the reporter saw at the construction site of the machine farming road in Bai Shiyan Village, Dehou Town, Dehou Town. On a new road with white gravel, an excavator and a roadbone machine were working nervously. The stone was pressed very flat and tightly, and the spacious and flat roads made the villagers happy. "The plowing road has solved the problem of Xiantian, the agricultural machinery." According to Chen Fabin, the captain of Baishiyan Village, the Dehou Town Dehou Town, said that the road was narrow and uneven before. Attribution, after construction, it has become a "way to get rich" for villagers to increase their income and get rich.

In addition to the construction of high -standard farmland, our province also strictly rectifies farmland chaos to build houses. In response to the phenomenon of random occupation land that occurred after July 3, 2020, it was found that together, investigating and dealing with together, rectification together, never soft. And properly handle the problem of "non -graining". Our province strictly implements central policies and distinguishes the nature of the land. Permanent basic farmland focuses on grain production. In principle, high -standard farmland is used for grain production. Other general arable land avoids one -size -fits -all, affects the development of characteristic industries, and affects farmers' income. At the same time, the system of rural land review and risk prevention system for industrial and commercial capital transfer is implemented to prevent damage to cultivated land and change the use of cultivated land without authorization. reporter Wang Shujuan

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