The fastest for mortgage loans for 3 years!Regarding issues such as insurance diplomatic relations, village banks and other issues, the CBRC latest notification!

Author:Science and Technology Finance Time:2022.07.21

On July 21, the Journalism Office of the State Council held a press conference. The relevant person in charge of the Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission introduced the development and development of the banking and insurance industry in the first half of 2022.

The CBRC spokesman and director of the Regulations Department said that since this year, the China Banking Regulatory Commission has made every effort to support the stabilization of the macroeconomic market, strive to prevent resolving financial risks, continuously deepen the structural reform of financial supply side, and promote high -quality development of the banking insurance industry to achieve high -quality development Essence

Steadyly resolved the risk of real estate

Data show that in the first half of this year, RMB loans increased by 919.2 billion yuan year -on -year, and bank insurance institutions invested 6.6 trillion yuan in bonds, an increase of 3.3 trillion yuan year -on -year. At the end of June, inclusive small and micro loans increased by 22.6%year -on -year, and comprehensive financing costs continued to decline. Continue to implement the extension of the principal and interest payment policy, and guide the bank insurance institutions to take the initiative to make continued financing arrangements to help enterprises in difficult industries rely on and stabilize. Support moderately advanced infrastructure construction, in the first half of the year, infrastructure loans increased by 2.6 trillion yuan. Promoting consumption recovery, residents' consumer loans increased by 158.9 billion yuan.

Adhere to the positioning of "housing and not stir -fry", because the city's policy implements differentiated housing credit policies, supports rigid and improved housing needs, and stabilizes the risk of real estate. Pay closely monitor the scale of the scale of the real economic debt and the ability to settle the solvency, and effectively prevent and control the risk of debt. Preliminary statistics, at the end of the second quarter, commercial banks allocated 203.8%, and the capital adequacy ratio was 14.87%. At present, the average comprehensive settlement capacity of insurance companies is 224.2%, maintaining a strong risk resistance.

Liu Zhongrui, the person in charge of the Statistics and Risk Monitoring Department of the Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission, said that we actively strengthen the coordination with departments such as the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development and the People's Bank of China, and support localities to strongly promote the work of "keeping diplomatic relations, protecting people's livelihood, and stability." Under the overall framework of the work arrangement of the local party committee and government, guide banks to actively participate in relevant working mechanisms, cooperate with compacting enterprises, shareholders and other parties to follow the principle of marketization and rule of law, and actively participate in reasonably solving funds for hard work hardships. Research on the gap scheme, do a good job of credit delivery, assist in promoting the rapid resumption of work, early resumption of work, and delivery early. At the same time, guide banks to do a good job of customer service, strengthen communication with customers, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers in accordance with the law.

"In June, real estate loans added 200.3 billion yuan, and the overall operation of real estate credit was stable." Liu Zhongrui said.

Liu Zhongrui pointed out that in June, real estate development loans added 52.2 billion yuan, and at the same time, the central bank reduced the lower limit of the first set of housing loan interest rates to increase the efficiency of mortgage loan approval. The current lending speed has reached the fastest since 2019; in addition Housing rental related loans also increased by 62.9%over the same period last year.

Liu Zhongrui said that the China Banking Regulatory Commission has adopted four major measures, which are in an orderly manner to do a good job of financing in the real estate industry, meet the reasonable demand for house purchase in residents, support the development of the housing rental market, and implement differentiated housing credit policies.

In the next step, the CBRC will continue to adhere to the positioning of "the house is used for living, not used for speculation", adheres to "stable price, stable house prices, and stable expectations", maintain the continuity and stability of the real estate financial policy, strengthen and related related related related to related related related and related related. The department's communication and cooperation, maintain the stable and orderly real estate financing, support the commercial housing market to better meet the reasonable housing needs of buyers, and guide the marketization of financial institutions to participate in risk disposal.

Taking the implementation of differentiated housing credit policies as an example, the China Banking Regulatory Commission guides the dispatched institutions to cooperate with local governments to optimize real estate policies from the actual situation, and do a good job in real estate related work because of urban policy to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market. With the active cooperation of the financial sector, the interest rate of house purchase has gradually declined.

"It is mainly due to the different degrees of differentiation in the real estate market in various regions in the country. There are differences in various regions in terms of population flow, economic advantages, and supply and demand in the real estate market. Therefore, to ensure that the regional real estate market is stable, the actual situation of the real estate market in various regions needs to be. 'Due to the policy of the city' adopt a differentiated real estate regulation policy to promote the stability of the property market. "Zhou Maohua, a macro researcher of the Financial Market Department of Everbright Bank, said that the domestic real estate regulation and control stability is the first. , Steady and orderly resolve the risks in the field of local real estate.

Promoting the risk disposal of small and medium -sized banks stable and orderly

In addition to answering real estate -related questions, the relevant person in charge of the CBRC also responded to the most watched village and township issues at the moment.

After the Xiangxiang said that after the outbreak of the five villages and town banks in Henan and Anhui, the China Banking Regulatory Commission publicly stated publicly that it was necessary to strictly follow the law and regulations, based on facts, and dealt with the law as the criterion. The CBRC has clearly been protected by national laws in accordance with laws and regulations. On July 17, the person in charge of the relevant departments of the Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission accepted the media interview and also proposed some ideas, steps, points, points, and next steps for the risk disposal of these five village and township banks. In the early stage, the relevant units have announced the announcement of five village and towns' bank accounts for accounting. This morning, Henan and Anhui have issued announcements, which launched the second batch of pads for the principal of the customer of less than 100,000 yuan. At present, related work is steadily promoting.

It is reported that in order to ensure the authenticity of the information, the two provinces have set up a new customer information registration system and are currently being registered for customers. In the next step, the CBRC will continue to actively cooperate with the local party committee and government to dispose of risks in accordance with laws and regulations. In terms of reform insurance in small and medium -sized banks, Xiangxiang said: "Small and medium -sized banks are an important part of my country's banking system, and the largest and most developed part of my country's banking system. At present, the total assets of small and medium banks are 9.6 trillion yuan Yuan, accounting for 29%of the total assets of the banking industry. Among them, small and medium -sized banks' 'agriculture, rural areas' loans and small and micro enterprise loans account for 39%and 46%of the banking industry, respectively, serving private, small and micro, service communities, promoting rural revitalization for rural revitalization It has made positive contributions to support the high -quality development of the national economy. Due to various historical reasons, small and medium banks have also accumulated some risks and received widespread concern in society. "

According to Xiang Xiang, since this year, the CBRC has firmly grasped the general tone of steady progress and promoted the reform of small and medium -sized banks in a solid promotion. Disposal and multi -channel supplementary capital.

Taking multiple channels to supplement capital as an example, capital is an important line of defense for banks to resist risks. Since the beginning of this year, the China Banking Regulatory Commission has actively accelerated the issuance of special bonds for local governments with the Ministry of Finance and the People's Bank of China to supplement SMB capital. In the first half of the year, with the approval of the State Council, it had distributed 103 billion yuan in the four provinces (cities) of Liaoning, Gansu, Henan, and Dalian. Various social capital, including foreign capital, improved the capital and quality of small and medium -sized banks.

看 来 said that in general, my country's small and medium -sized banks are running smoothly and controllable risks. In response to the risk issues exposed by individual institutions, the CBRC will adhere to the supervision of the people, steadily and orderly promote the risk disposal of small and medium -sized banks, effectively protect the financial property of the people, so that the people are satisfied and the society can rest assured.

Source: Daily Economic News

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