Iqiyi and Douyin "from hate to love"

Author:Economic Observer Time:2022.07.19

Economic Observation Network reporter Ren Xiaoning

At first glance, the wrinkled and the short video industry was in spring water. On the hot search on Weibo on July 19, iQiyi, Tencent Video, Youku, Kuaishou, Douyin and other companies, you sang me, attracting hundreds of millions of reading and user attention.

On July 19, iQiyi and Douyin announced their cooperation, and the content of iQiyi could provide Douyin expert for secondary creation. Prior to this, Sohu Video and LeTV Video, located on the second -line video camp, also established cooperation with Douyin and Kuaishou.

The last time the industry was so lively, it was still June last year. At that time, the long video platforms such as Ai Youteng joined forces to blame the short video platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, and B Station, and even evolved into lawsuit in a drool warfare.

This year, long videos and short videos began to talk about peace. Under the hot search of Weibo, the cooperation between iQiyi and Douyin is called the "love shaking combination". Seeing the lively netizens urged Youku, Mango, and Station B to enter the cooperation camp together. On the morning of the same day, the news that Kuaishou and Tencent Video were about to establish cooperation were also attracted, but it was quickly denied by Tencent Video, saying it was a rumor.

Zhang Yi, CEO of Ai Media Consultation, told Economic Observation Network reporters that Douyin needs film and television copyrights, and iQiyi also needs to urgently solve the problem of income increase. At least, cooperation is good for both parties.

The carnival of the commentary circle

On the morning of July 19th, a 5 million fan Douyin film and television experts were concerned about the incident. She told reporters that "it will improve the security and convenience of the second (second creation) personnel."

On December 16 last year, the China Internet Audiovisual Program Service Association requested that it must not be authorized to cut, adapted the film, TV series, online film and television drama and other audio -visual programs and clips. After that, the bloggers of the film and television editing were crowded. Another Douyin Film and Television, a reporter asked on July 19, said that it is no longer doing this line. When the news of Douyin and iQiyi came out, the film and television editing circle began to be active, they called "the carnival of the commentary circle."

Compared with Sohu videos that have cooperated with Douyin and Kuaishou, and LeTV videos, iQiyi's content in the first echelon is more complete, more hot dramas, higher quality, and richer content by film and television people. According to the announcement issued by Douyin on the morning of July 19th, iQiyi has the right to communicate with information network communication and transfer authorization. All of the long video content will be opened to Douyin, including high -quality content such as "Mist Theater".

After the cooperation, the creators of Douyin, watermelon videos, and today's headlines can be a two -creation of iQiyi content.

The above -mentioned 5 million fans Douyin told reporters that there are still dividends on the film and television editing on Douyin. According to her understanding, after the rectification of copyright last year, there was a wave of large -scale transformation of creators in the field of film and television editing creation. Many people did not do this type of work creation, and Douyin related works were much less. Now Douyin is facing the stagnation period of user growth. By cooperating with iQiyi, you can use copyright to attract or restore the creator. "This is a effort to attract small and medium creators to stay in Douyin."

The interests behind cooperation

Douyin cooperated with iQiyi, and there were a lot of people who felt surprised. "It was also Douyin who told iQiyi at that time," the blogger "Rabbit tore Chicken Master" of 1.68 million fans on Weibo was very emotional. In June last year, Douyin complained that the iQiyi infringement case was sentenced. In April of this year, the infringement case of the Japanese headline "Yanxi Raiders", under the headline of Douyin Group.

However, Zhang Yi is not surprised by this. "The more fierce the fight, the higher the possibility of cooperation. If you are willing to fight, it means that there is something you want. If not, you will not care about each other at all."

According to the reporter's understanding, since the second half of last year, long video platforms such as Aiyouteng, short video platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, and B Station, have discussed the issues of cooperation many times, but the prices and interests of all parties have not been discussed, so they always have always been. Hanging.

"It is a listed company or mainstream platform, nor can it be a state of water warfare or lawsuit, and unsuccessful." A long video platform person told reporters.

Establishing cooperation has direct benefits to Douyin and iQiyi. "The content is the eternal pain of the Douyin Group, and it is also what they need." Zhang Yi told reporters that relying on UCG's Douyin to be close to the bottleneck in the ecology of the content, and more breakthroughs are needed. If only the people on the street are taken, the carrying capacity is limited, but the more essentials are in long videos.

Douyin once tried to enter the field of long video content. In 2020, he purchased Xu Yan's self -directed New Year film "Mom" for Xu Yan. Watermelon videos have also made many variety shows, but no water flowers have been set off.

Long video content is mainly concentrated in Aiyouteng. Youku has gradually fallen behind in recent years. Between iQiyi and Tencent video, it is easier for Douyin and iQiyi to achieve.

In the cooperation of Douyin and iQiyi, the two sides have a agreement. When the user watched a short video of the disassembly and disassembly disassembly, users can jump to iQiyi to watch long videos. The above 5 million Douyin Fanist told reporters that this is equivalent to Douyin allowing iQiyi to throw the fishing hook into the fish pond of Douyin. While helping iQiyi drainage, it does not hurt Douyin. Based on this analysis, Douyin must be willing to open an exit to help iQiyi drainage, and also reduce the pressure of copyright disputes. "

IQiyi is currently using the best solution to improve operations. By reducing content expenses and layoffs in the first quarter of this year, iQiyi finally achieved its first profit. Compared with the stream, the more important is open source. In cooperation with Douyin, iQiyi can get a new copyright fee, and it is possible to get users from Douyin. "Even if Douyin only attracts 1%of users, it is also good for iQiyi." Zhang Yi thought.

Will it spread to hold hands?

On July 19th, there were hot search with iQiyi and Douyin, as well as fast hands and Tencent videos. Although the news of Kuaishou and Tencent video cooperation was rumored, according to the reporter's understanding, the cooperation situation of long and short video continued to spread.

"After all, it is not a direct competitor, and it is easy to say when you talk about money. Everything is possible to do business." A short video platform person told reporters.

There are not many short video platforms in the short video platform, accounting for less than 5%, but the heat is high and the traffic is large. Especially for some popular film and television dramas, the production cost of long video platforms is hundreds of millions of yuan. After being uploaded to short videos by users, the short video platform can get these contents for free. In the past two years, the phenomenon of short video infringements has gradually been valued by long video, and has spread from calling to lawsuits.

A person from a long video company's legal team told reporters that they have always wanted to communicate well with short video companies. "We want to be able to coexist and win -win, rather than blame the short video platform every day. Our real purpose is not the case." They do not want to fight lawsuits, because the complexity of short video infringement cases is far higher than other forms of infringement. Only one item is notarized. The court hopes that each short video will not be broadcast notarized in one second. In this case, the cost of obtaining evidence will rise, and the owner will bear the hidden cost.

The reporter learned that Aiyou Teng Mang had reached a consensus before and was trying to establish new rules. From the previous second, two innovations were not allowed to establish a 90 -second rule, that is, 90 seconds of each episode, allowing users to create.

The above -mentioned 5 million fan film and television experts also look forward to the cooperation between more platforms. "If Ai Youteng and Kuaishou cooperate to provide opportunities for creators, then there may be room for progressive user growth."

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