[In -depth study and implementation of the spirit of the Party Congress, strive to promote the high -quality development of Gansu] Mao Jinhuang: fully implement the action of strong counties

Author:Jiuquan Radio and TV Station Time:2022.06.15

Mao Jinhuang

The county is used as the basic unit of economic development, starting from grasping technology, industry, county and central towns, grasping talents, cooperating, and grasping the foundation, and strives to promote the high -quality development of the county economy.

The county is strong, the provincial area is strong, the county's work is full, and the county is rich. The 14th Party Congress of the province fully understands the shortcomings and shortcomings of the county's economic development in our province, and takes the county as the basic unit of economic development to implement the implementation of a strong county action. To implement the spirit of the party's congress, we must vigorously promote the actions of strong counties, put the development of the county economy in a prominent position, enhance the self -development capabilities of the county, and focus on promoting the high -quality development of the county economy in our province.

Grasp technology and enhance the driving force of the county's economic development. At present, Lanzhou and Tianshui in the Hexi region and Longzhong areas in our province have strong overall innovation capabilities. The innovation capabilities of Longdong and Gannan and Linxia are not outstanding. Therefore, in accordance with the type of economic development of the province, we should improve its independent research and development capabilities, increase investment in the development of research and experimental development, adjust the industrial structure, and realize the dual matching of economic development and innovation -driven. The main production area of ​​agricultural products should accelerate the transformation and application of scientific and technological innovation achievements and improve the level of agricultural mechanization. All counties in key ecological function areas are directed to optimize the innovation environment, improve the awareness of innovation, encourage the population to transfer to the tertiary industry, and increase the proportion of non -agricultural practitioners. Scientific and technological innovation promotes the transformation and upgrading of the county's industrial structure and the modernization of agricultural and rural areas.

Grasp the industry and enhance the core force of the county's economic development. Combined with the county's county functional zone and county economy classification, the development of county -area advantageous and characteristic industries can be developed according to local conditions, which consolidates the foundation for the high -quality development of the county economy. The first is to accelerate the construction of the main county -oriented county park and enhance the carrier space for the development of the county's industrial cluster. Focusing on improving the ability of major industrial projects, comprehensively improving the level of infrastructure supporting levels in the park, continuously enhancing competitive advantages, realizing the development of industrial agglomeration, gathering, and clustering in the park, reasonable layout of various industrial agglomeration areas, promoting element innovation, backbone and supporting enterprises to the direction of facilities. The industrial park gathers to form an industrial cluster with its own characteristics and complementary advantages, and cultivate a new growth point and competitive advantage of the county's county economy in our province. The second is to accelerate the strategic construction of agricultural priority "three products" and enhance the competitiveness of the county's agricultural characteristic industries and products. Focusing on specialized varieties such as special agricultural products, special foods and handicrafts, traditional Chinese medicine health care products, and other counties; build a number of large -scale, standardized, standardized planting and breeding bases, and continuously improve the quality of technical standards; "online and offline" multi -channel promotion , Increase the cultivation of brands. The third is to give full play to the advantages of county resources and energy, build a county's emerging industrial system, and form a new growth pole of the county economy. Give full play to the comparative advantages of county transportation location, resource endowment, and industrial foundation, focus on developing resources and deep processing industries and characteristic agricultural product processing industries, cultivate a number of characteristic industrial clusters with distinctive characteristics, wide radiation scope, and large development potential to promote one, two, and three, Industrial integration and development have formed a characteristic industrial system that drives the high -quality development of the county economy.

Grasp the county and central towns to enhance the radiation of the county's economic development. The leading role and important role in the county's economic development in the county's economic development is the core area of ​​the county's population concentration, industrial agglomeration, functional integration, and element intensive. Based on the capacity, location conditions, industrial foundation, functional positioning, etc., the counties around large cities should accelerate the integration of the industrial chain, supply chain, talent chain, and innovation chain of the city and urban agglomerations, and build a financing in cities and investment in counties. The integrated development pattern of heads in cities and supporting in the county is promoted to the integration and development of counties and central cities. For professional functional counties, counties and counties, counties, counties in key ecological function areas, and county towns of the population of key ecological functional areas, policies should be classified to accelerate the formation of characteristic development pattern, and enhance the role of radiation in key towns and villages. Incorporate the central town into the construction of the county seat, continuously improve the infrastructure construction of township roads, hydropower, gas heat, and 5G networks, improve the level of public services such as education, medical, employment, sports, culture Improve the quality of life of towns and villages, make the county and central towns become the CBD of the countryside, the high -quality life gathering area, the window area of ​​the circulation of urban and rural products, and the gathering area of ​​public services, enhance the ability of county and central towns in factor gathering, and create county economic growth Extreme and growth point.

Grasping talents and enhancing the sustainable economic development of the county. The key to innovation lies in people, but from the seventh census data of 86 cities and districts in our province, compared with the sixth census, 58 counties and districts are net outflow of resident population, accounting for 67.44 in the province's counties. %, Coupled with the obvious regional advantages, issues such as uneven distribution of talents in various counties, lack of key technical talents, low talent levels, and slow development of researchers are still key factors to restrict the innovation and development of counties in our province. The county must be good at building nests to attract phoenixes, build a gathering platform, avoid generalization of talent policies into social benefits, concentrate resources on the start and R & D subsidies of talent entrepreneurship, and increase talent attraction. Promote the evaluation of talents classified, improve the scientific and technological talent evaluation system guided by innovation ability, quality, effectiveness, and contribution, improve the setting of science and technology awards, improve the number of rewards and rewards, and form a more scientific and operable talent cultivation system and policy policy and policy Preferential discounts are fully tapped and cultivated high -level talents in the county. Grasp the coordination and enhance the competitiveness of the county's economic development. Breaking the industrial development model of the vicious competition in the county in the past, with the core and characteristic industries of various counties as the core, the county's overall coordination and coordination in the county are the core. The collection of scientific research, scientific research, and capital do not gather, resulting in the county and county's formats but the faucet is not big. Especially in the development of agricultural characteristic industries, clarify the best suitable area, advantageous processing area and market potential area of ​​specialty agricultural products, and actively guide the county's comprehensive factors such as industrial basic advantages, development potential, market prospects and other comprehensive factors. Competition, adjust and optimize the layout of local agricultural characteristics development planning, and form a county characteristic industry with various characteristics, obvious advantages, and strong competitiveness.

Grasp the foundation and enhance the support of the county's economic development. The first is to continue to improve the construction of "hardware". Further improve the road network structure, build a transportation network of integrated roads, railways and aviation, and comprehensively improve the level of regions and urban and rural transportation services. Strengthen the construction of production and living water infrastructure, especially the construction of production roads, industrial roads, and high -standard farmland facilities. A new generation of information infrastructure of "high -speed, mobile, secure, and general" is built in an all -round way. The second is to accelerate the construction of "software". Accelerate the construction of digital rural and smart agriculture, through the construction of big data, Internet, e -commerce, etc., eliminate urban and rural "digital gaps", narrow the gap between urban and rural areas such as public services, education, and medical care, and consolidate the foundation of county -sharing development.

(The author is the Executive Dean and Associate Professor of Lanzhou University County Economic Development Research Institute)

Source: New Gansu

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