Focus on "New Power", 2022 Qingdao Fashion Week will be held from August 19th to 22nd

Author:Qingdao Daily Time:2022.08.17

Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News August 17th The reporter from Guanhai was learned from the relevant press conference held by the Municipal Government News Office this morning that the Oriental Fashion Season of the China Textile Industry Federation and the Qingdao Municipal People's Government · 2022 Qingdao Fashion Week will be held from August 19th to 22nd. The event will have eight venues such as Oriental Fashion Center, Textile Valley, Haitian Center, Hisense Plaza, Vientiane City, Lida Shopping Center, Jinding Plaza, and Syllabus Plaza. Among them, the East The Fashion Center is the main show of Fashion Week.

It is reported that this will continue to focus on the theme of the "emerging power", further optimize the market operation model, improve the level of professionalism, marketization, and internationalization, highlight the characteristics of "close to the market, close to the industry, and close to the enterprise", and build "one master and more supplement" , Multi -point linkage, city fashion "pattern. By hosting a series of theme activities such as brand release, Douyin Shopping Festival, Experience Exhibition, and Summit Forum, it will comprehensively amplify the industrial engine effects of brands, cultivate talents, expand the market, and serve enterprises to help enterprises and designers gain benefits, create textile clothing and clothing clothing, create textile clothing and clothing clothing The ecology of the fashion creative industry has helped the high -quality development of the textile and apparel industry, creating a high point of the transformation system of Qingdao fashion creative ideas and the transformation of the textile and clothing industry.

Docking high -quality factor resources to help expand market space. This time Fashion Week focuses on "buyers fashion week, fashion buyer festival", strengthen original transactions and promote consumption. Hold the "Oriental Fashion Season 方 2022 Qingdao Fashion Week Douyin Shopping Festival" to explore a new path that combines the "runway" style with the mass consumption, bringing the diverse fashion consumption experience of "watching shows on the clouds, buying and buying" Essence Through the unique form of "Release Show+Cloud Transaction+Cloud Forum", the brand has gathered in the cloud, puts Fashion Week on the Douyin live broadcast, sells brand clothing online to help the original designer brand and supply chain. Products, get through from display to sales. Invite the supply chain brand and designer brand organization of 30 release shows, organically combine online marketing and catwalk activities through the Douyin platform, build an industrial supply and demand docking platform, integrate market channel resources of all parties, and comprehensively improve the professionalization of fashion week service enterprises , Platformization and intelligence. At the same time, activities such as buyer forums will be organized to serve the industry's fashion buyers to negotiate and trade with the help of offline and online ways, and comprehensively enlarge the effectiveness of service companies and promote the industry's activities.

Focus on the original shortcomings of the industrial chain and build an industry creative design source. Relying on the original trading platform of the Oriental Fashion Center and the original finished product exhibition and marketing activities of the Oriental Fashion Center, it will promote the development of the fashion creative industry with original design. Oriental Fashion Center organized an original design-20122 autumn and winter ordering meeting, enhance the exchanges and cooperation of designers, supply chains, and brand vendors, accurately match the needs of buyers, enhance the capacity of group goods, and realize sales transformation through channels. The Textile Valley held the first nationwide weaving exhibition and the 6th Qingdao Valley Fashion Buyer Festival. It combined with the "Valley Net Red Sinus" to carry out live and cargo to promote procurement negotiation, grab orders, production demand docking and market cooperation. Focusing on the cultivation of high -quality local designers and talents, holding the Top Ten Fashion Designer Selection Contest of Qingdao New Island in 2022 to build an original design plan for original design. Third, in order to further expand fashion consumption and closer the distance between fashion weeks and ordinary citizens, choose to organize original brand series exhibition activities at Yunshang Shanghai Tian, ​​Hisense Plaza, Vientiane City, Lida Shopping Center, Jinding Plaza, Certificate of Thumbs Plaza, etc. , Promote the development of original design products and brand. Continue to promote the integrated development of the textile and apparel industry of the Five Cities of the Jiaodong Peninsula, integrate and optimize industrial resources such as R & D design, exhibitions, exhibitions, and ecological platforms. By improving the original design level, the Qingdao textile and apparel industry has transformed from "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing".

Expand industry coverage and improve the effectiveness of the service industry. This time, the high -quality development of the textile and apparel industry chain around the fashion, continuously optimize the structure of the sector, further enrich the content of the activities, strengthen the development of service enterprises in all aspects, and promote the effectiveness of industrial transformation. Focus on retail transformation, adopt online forum live broadcast form+offline live interactive form, organize theme forums and salon activities, aiming to accurately respond to the pain points of traditional retail store transformation, touch and drain potential retail store B -side customers, and realize intended cooperative customers customers Selection and retention. Textile Valley will host the 70th anniversary celebration of the Hao Jianxiu team. Yunshangtian holds China · Qingdao Fashion Asian Trends Art Festival. The Oriental Fashion Center organizes a series of fashion trend activities such as artistic trend exhibitions, fashion tide play activities, C -end ordering meetings, and fashion public welfare. In addition, the "Textile Intelligent Manufacturing Entering Park · Qingdao Station" will be held. Organizational suppliers will conduct special docking with some enterprises, and propose to refine textile intelligence equipment, equipment interconnection, intelligent detection, information system, logistics and warehousing and other aspects. The plan helps Qingdao textile clothing and spinning small and medium -sized enterprises to improve quality and efficiency, transform and upgrade.

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