The development of the industry is glorious!The 3rd "New Media Night" fashion ceremony was held in Shibei District

Author:Popular Net Qingdao Time:2022.08.05

Due to a fashionable and vibrant visual prosperity, Shigong became more brilliant and dazzling.

On the evening of August 5, the third "New Media Night" fashion ceremony opened in the Center of Excellence Century Center. This event is led by the Propaganda Department of the Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Qingdao Municipal Party Committee, the Communist Youth League Qingdao Municipal Party Committee, Qingdao Radio and Television Station, sponsored As an opportunity, the event actively demonstrates the booming status of the new media industry in the North District and helps the construction of youth to develop friendly cities.

The ceremony was opened again, and the third "New Media Night" opened

At the event site, Zhao Quanchao, deputy secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, and Shi Mingyi, the manpower director of the Zhuoyue Group Commercial Office Management Company, came to power for Gumai Jiahe, Visual Chronicle, Barbly Flowers, Erma Cultural Media, Six Degrees Technology, New Imaging Culture Media, Mid -domain, Mid -domain, and Central Realm. Eight companies in the postgraduate entrance examination (headquarters) and Shandong Zhongyu Fouzhou Information Consulting Co., Ltd. awarded the "New Media Excellent Influential Enterprise" awards. While affirming the results of the new media industrial park companies, I hope that companies can continue to play a leading role and empower their empowerment and empowerment. The regional new media industry creates a win -win situation and agglomeration.

The CPC Qingdao Municipal Party Committee's Network Information Office, the Communist Youth League Qingdao Municipal Party Committee, Qingdao Radio and Television Station, Shibei District Government, the Propaganda Department of the Shibei District Committee, the Communist Youth League Municipal North District Committee, the Shibei District Cultural and Tourism Bureau, the Qingdao Central Business District Management Committee, Relevant leaders such as Excellence Group came to power and officially launched the third "New Media Night".

Shi Jiantao, general manager of the Commercial Office Management Company of Excellence Group, said in his speech: "This year is the third year held by the New Media Night event. Opportunities, taking advantage of the development of new media industry, the excellent Century Center has created an important IP with a very representative IP, which has effectively promoted the development of the cultural and creative industry of the North District of the city, and comprehensively created an ecological environment with complementary advantages in the new media industry, resource sharing, and diversified development. ","

It is reported that this "New Media Night" fashion ceremony is invited to settle in the well -known "Internet celebrity" big coffee on the famous "Internet celebrity" big coffee on the spot of the outstanding "net red" coffee, and Incorporating the ancient style of the young people into the performance, the atmosphere of the night was pushed to the climax of the night through the infectious and ancient style of expression.

Rongguang Communist Party, the Central Business District New Media Industry Gathering and Development

At the event, a sand painting performance entitled "Shengshi Yangfan" reviewed the entire process of breeding, development and butterfly changes since the unveiling of the new media industrial park of Qingdao Central Business District, so that the audience can understand the Qingdao Central Business District. The development of the new media industry in northern China has moved forward.

It is reported that after many years of construction and development in Qingdao Central Business District, 49 high -end business buildings have been gathered. Good infrastructure, perfect living facilities, and high cost -effective buildings have attracted the entry of many new media companies, giving the region's new media industry a unique advantage. Up to now, the core area of ​​Qingdao Central Business District has gathered more than 300 new media companies such as Jiwen Capital, E -commerce, MCN, and Advertising Media, becoming the most gathering area for new media companies in the city.

Among the many buildings, the Center of Excellence Century is to seize the development opportunities of the new media industry and build a high -quality characteristic building. In July 2020, with the excellent century center as the carrier, China (Qingdao) New Media Industrial Park was officially unveiled. Through the implementation of various industrial development support policies, it promoted the accelerated development of the new media industry in the air period. As of July this year, the Center of Excellence Century has gathered nearly 200 new media and related companies, with an area of ​​33,000 square meters, and the average building rental rate of the building is 90%. The dazzling data has also become a proof of the central business district and building operating units to seek practical results.

Take the lead to help the construction of youth development of friendly urban areas

The Qingdao Central Business District is not only the development highland of the new media industry, but also a "strong magnetic field" that attracts young people in emerging areas. This year, the Central Business District New Media Industrial Park, as the pilot pilot of the "Thousands of Union and Wanlong Quotes" project of the Communist Youth League Shandong Provincial Party Committee, was successfully selected as the "First Batch of Emerging Youth Group Collection Zone in Shandong Province". , Attracting more young talents to take root in the city, entrepreneurial employment, and help to promote the construction of friendly urban construction in youth!

Let young talents be willing to take root and change "traffic" to "reserve". This year, the North District will pass the pilot of the "Thousands of Union and Wanjun" project to actively build a platform for youth exchange growth and growth, establish a long -term mechanism of multi -party collaboration, communication, interaction, resource sharing, and service to youth. Listen to the real voice of young people, help young people Solving development problems. By creating and promoting development and changing windows, enhancing the adsorption and appeal of the central business district to the majority of young people, supporting attracting more young people to develop entrepreneurship here, and continuously contribute to the gathering of young talents to gather young talents in the city.

As the main force of the transformation and development of Shibei District, the Qingdao Central Business District takes the opportunity of this "New Media Night" fashion ceremony. , Actively promote the layout, implementation and development of the new media industry in the northern district, accelerate the construction of the new media industry to gather ecology, and gather together to build a highland for the development of new media industries in northern China.

(Correspondent: Bai Yu)

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